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Give and get support around quitting


June 15th Quitters?

Hello my lovelies! I'm wondering if there are any more of you out there who quit on June 15th, like I did. I would be nice to have some friends on my page who were going through the same things as I am at this point in the game.

I figure we can cheer each other on. I know it would help me.

Let me know and CONGRATS to us ALL!!!
Etiquetas (1)
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3 Respuestas

Hi there, I just found this site and so far I like it. I'm still finding my way around the different groups, then I saw this one. Yes my quit date was June 15th. I'm using Zyban and the Patch. I won't lie, I would love a cigg right now but I know this will pass.How are you feeling? Joyce
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Hi...I started seriously cutting down..the whole first part of June.By the 15th I was down to 2 or 3 a day I put all my cigarettes away (gave em away) the 29th. Once I quit having that last, hold out cigarette with my morning coffee, the cravings sort of dwindled. I was just making it harder on myself every day by lighting up in the morning. Every day it gets easier. The only time I really have a little trouble now is if I get stressed about something and when that happens I tell myself it isn't worth it to go back to that first crave mindset again! Smoke Free and Enjoying the idea of being an EX!
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Hi Maria, It's funny but I did the exact opposite of you, I knew my quit day was going to be june 15th so the week before, I was actually chain smoking!!. I'd light one cigg with my last cigg. No lighter needed. haha I do have an online friend from Cafe Mom that also quit, but she has 6 months already, so I know if she can do it ,so can I , right? I find that if I don't wear the nicotine patch then my day is full of cravings. Sometimes It says not to wear them to bed b/c the nightmares and sleep disturbance's can be pretty bad, so I used to not wear it at night. But the craving in the morning is so bad that I'd rather have the nightmares. That first cigg in the morning was like, The Best ya know? Well, I hope to hear from you again and remember...We Are Winners, Joyce
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