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Give and get support around quitting


July Quitters

Decided not to wait on July...I quit!
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372 Replies

Shelley, hang in there. Like everyone has said, you DESERVE to take a trip! You have to be good to yourself.
  I'm on day 9 here and have had a rough couple days. But I think I've renewed by will.....
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Savanna - I have been on that merry go round myself, well I will only smoke when I have a glass of wine, it's a good joke to play on yourself isn't it? I think I lasted a few weeks on that until I was right up to a pack a day again. I am on day 11 and for the first time quiting have the mantra not another puff. The website does help me focus on that it is rough, but there are many, many people who smoked as much as I did for as long or longer than I did and beat it and are commited to never going back. Reading the blogs does help inspire me to stay on track and there is some accountability - I don't want to be the one pulling off my name because I started up again.
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sounds like you all are doing great and that is a good thing me we're doing alright but still struggling with the quitting but going to try again otmarrow so then it should be a little bit easer for us I hope so at least.

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I am new to this EX site, wanted to see if their is support to help me quit and stay smoke free, so Please inspire me with some tricks to tackle this smoking thing its hard as hell. But I hate smoking its the addiction I cant get over its power.
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Go for it Shelley. your husband will be all right with it. WELLcome all you new EX- smokers. we can all DO this , day6 for me it is hard Terry i am 59 and i find life is not easy. it will all ways be something in our life that will make us think we need a cig. The chantix makes me sick. but it does help.Be glade when i get off o f it by , good luck everyone
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FYI if anyone missed the ciggy bank "Quit counter" download here it is again
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Day 8 and 152 cigarettes NOT Smoked . I'm doing it!! I'm making it!! I WILL MAKE IT!

  hope you all have a good day
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Lynne, I know exactly what you are talking about. most people can't just become a "social" smoker
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Just to let someone know. I'm going to disappear for awhile. My quit is solid and I will be back to check in, in a few days , but conflicts that are going on are not helping my cravings . So I'm doing myself a favor and protecting my quit, by buggin out for awhile .

  Stay quit, stay strong.
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Day 10 - I never thought I'd get this far. The sickness has subsided for the most part. I actually found myself not even thinking about a smoke for several hours....I might actually do it this time.
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