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July Quitters

Decided not to wait on July...I quit!
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my date is July 26. Is there any 726s out there?  I'm excited about this group. Have any of you read or done any prep that might help us? 

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My quit date is tomorrow. This should be interesting. 

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Day 14   TWO YES 2 weeks of no smoking....I still have what I think are urges more like now I can go get ---- no I don't want it sort of I just go do anything I can and I either forget I wanted to smoke or have to go wash my mouth out as I find keeping my mouth minty fresh really helps m.

Water is ok but I am finding that I have a new reward for not smoking....I allow myself   pudding or yogurt  both low fat type if I do not smoke.   much rather have those than a unhealthy unwise cigarette.Iam doing this and so are all of you.. Way To Go Team!!!

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Today is my quit date (yet again). I took a class at Providence hospital in April and was smoke free for 6 weeks. It worked because I solely focused on quitting. Then? Well, my focus shifted to a big project I have, and I chose to smoke that 1st cigarette. Been struggling and am really hopeful to find a group of July quitters! Thanks and congrats to everyone!

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I have been staying quit since July 3rd. Not a single thought or doubt  of going back to cigarettes in my mind. Feels better as everyday passes.

Hang in there guys. We dont need will power to quit smoking , all we need to understand is that cigarette is a drug and it causes addiction. Just go out and enjoy life 🙂

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My quit date was July 16.  Last year I quit for 10 months, but the gravings were too strong for me       so I smoked.  Can anyone tell me what they do to not give in to strong cravings for a cigarette???

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Day 15 of not smoking...for me i AM BREATHING easier and not coughing every morning...I talked 2 people into quitting along with me and now I have  5 people within 30 minutes to keep me on track and support me.

I am reading about slipping from some and how to not give into the urge/craving.  What Ii do is a small daily reward a yogurt or puding, and once a week a bigger reward..that is just for not giving in that day and I do it is a glass of water get up and wl around.. deep something anything read the yellow pagesn flip TV channels...brush my teeth eat a breath mint... and if those haven't made me forget I thought I really wanted to smoke then I promised myself I would use one of those nicotine lozenges.. and I HATE can NOT stand those at all... so its like so how bad do I want a cigarette?

I will do all the things I listed before I have to wwalk a mile one way to the store to go get a pack as I have none around me... Now I am kinda lazy about walking a mile in summr heat and a mile back as I can remmber to grab my cellphone let alone find a iighter...

I also get on here and read about your thoughts for the day and I have alled or sent text messsages to my support people...

No its not all sweet smelling roses and no urge cravings....but I remember that I choose to stop smoking and I am doing this....

Hang in there when the urge hits... it will go away... have a small reward a breath mint a pice of hard candy  gum if you like to chew it.... Just remember your reasons fr topping as those are the best things I have found that keep me an EX new NONSMOKER!

We are doing this!  If you do slip and have a puff or two or even a I smoked the whole pack hey OK you just get right back on the I am an X smoker track...

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My quit date is 5 days from now. I've done this a few times before, always starting up again because I think I'm that one person who's strong enough to have "just one" months after quitting and it's not going to get me hooked all over again. Well you can't have "just one" without being a smoker again, I've learned.

So anyways, only 5 days left and I'm having a really hard time cutting down. I'm trying to make my quit date easier by taking out some of those "unneeded" smoke breaks but all of a sudden, now that I know I only have a few days left, EVERY cig break feels necessary.

I'm very worried about my morning smoke. As soon as my morning coffee's ready, I take it outside and have a smoke. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that morning smoke. That's going to be, hands down, the hardest part for me. And I really love my coffee. I think the only way to beat the morning urge is to cut out the coffee but that's cutting out two of my favorite habits. I'm afraid that cutting out two habits will leave me feeling so utterly deprived that I'm sure to fail. Then again, coffee's a trigger.

Stupid cigarettes! This is going to be so hard!

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Day 10. I was going to wait another week but then got a nasty migraine and figured "hey, how much worse could it feel?" 😛   This piddly little week and a half is the longest I've gone without nicotine in ages and ages. Previous NRT helped me feel better but didn't really get rid of behavioral patterns related to smoking.  Here are some of the things that have helped so far: Previous quit attempts: nothing like a dress rehearsal to show you where you're likely to trip up! Bupropion: what can I say, works for me Benadryl, 25mg: mild sedative for the first few growly days Energy shots: especially the first week,taurine and B vitamins, yum Exercise: any activity seems to help, sweating is good, as is time outdoors in the sun Fluids: lots and lots of fluids! 2tbsp lemon juice in 16oz of water, plain water, broth, juice, cocoa, anything liquid Ginger bath: 2tsp ginger, 2 cups epsom salts, 1 cup baking soda, 10 drops tea tree oil in a warm bath. Soak 40 minutes, sweat like a pig, wrap up in a blanket, sweat some more. Marvelous! CBT: self-guided "reprogramming" to train my newly quit brain Xylitol gum: duh, good for the teeth too Oil pulling: a new healthy oral habit, couldn't hurt!  Good luck everyone and best wishes to all! 🙂
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Hi everyone, I am on day 18 of my smoke free journey cold turkey. I am getting better as the days passes by and I have used absolutely no substitutes whatsoever . Please keep giving your encouragement , it definitely is a big booster . Also, I will be willing to share my thoughts / ideas if you need any tips on how to beat the nicotine crvings and remain smoke free. 

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