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Give and get support around quitting


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Hi, I decided to quit smoking two months ago, set my quit date for August 3rd, my birthday gift to myself, and did it. But it's so hard!!!! I think about cigarettes almost constantly. I have always used Nicorette gum when I couldn't smoke so am still using it. It won't be two weeks until Tuesday morning but when will I not think about it all the time? I was trying to find an answer to that when I found this site.

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8 Replies

Hi Laurie. I've been smoke free for a month. I think about smoking every day. Some days are worse than others. I'm under a lot of stress at work which doesn't help my desire to smoke. So far, I am just going one day at a time. I want a cigarette so bad. I tell myself that it will taste bad and I do not want to start all over again. So, I put it off. I tell myself I will go buy ciggs later. Thank goodness, later still hasn't come.

Hang in there. WE CAN DO THIS.

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Hi Laurie. today will be 3 weeks for me and i still think about smoking from time to time but I tell myself its not an option I have also done deep breathing ans listend to relaxation tapes and before I knew it the cravings were gone. I think you just need to find what works for you. Stay true to your quit, You, Me. We. Us, can all learn and help each other out on this site. Remember your not alone. Good Luck Stay Strong and fight that Nicodemon.


Steve B

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Hi Laurie, so glad you're here! This is tough but we can do it together! 🙂

I have been quit for 1 Month, 6 Days, 4 hours and 38 minutes (37 days). I have not spent $264.25 on  smoking 1,078 death sticks!! I have spent  1 Week, 11 hours and 40 minutes of my life doing something other than inhale poison!!! My Quit Date: 7/10/2010 10:00 AM

you can download a quit keeper also at

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Hello My Name is Toni. I started on Chandix last week and my first day to quit smoking was yesterday, August 17th. I have not had a cigarette since Sunday night. I am really having a serious craving at this moment. Fortunatley everyone I work with are NON-Smokers and do not have a cigarette to give me! So I am trying to work through this craving at the moment. Any suggestions?

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Hi Laurie and everyone else!  I quit ALMOST a month ago.  The last 4-5 days have been the worst.  Smoking WAS my best friend and I feel really alone now!  I talked with an ex smoker (he's quit for 2 1/2 years) and he still gets cravings.  Crazy how something so stupid, can have such a hold on so many peoples lives.  To quit smoking will be one of the best acheivements we will ever accomplish.  Stay smoke free everyone!  Good luck and we can do it!

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Hello,Laurie and All EX members,

Today is day 3 for me.  OMG, I have tried so many times to quit for so long.  I can't remember how many times I've tried.. In the beginning of my quit I am so sensitive inside--like a marshmellow so please don't post anyting rude. I would really like some positive support and help with my quit.  I have no 3D friends nor family that speaks to me. I'm disabled with chronic back pain--had sugery on several disks and now have degenerating disk disease and other health problems.. Daily I have chronic pain and limited to what I can do

When I smoked my throat would hurt so badly and always afraid that I would get throat cancer or some form of cancer.  Yesterday, I almost gave up--BUT--then I heard about Michael Douglas being diagonised with throat cancer.  No one is spared from this disease is what I thought to myself and prayed for this man. Thinking it doesn't matter how much money you have--cancer--is something anyone can get--it spares no one--

I want to win the fight this time.  Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong and why I keep loosing this fight.  I know I need positive support.  In the past when I posted and some wrote rude things I stopped coming to this site.  I know I can not do this alone. I need help for I am an addict addicted to nicoteen.  Also, I hope that I can help others. This has been a long time battle for me and I really want it this time--so so badly. I'm using the Nicoderm patch on 21 mg.

It would be great if I could get some postitive support and hear others experiences about their quit.  Thanks so much for listening and hope you'll share your quit with me..

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Well I have signed up for my first smoke-free support thingy 🙂 I have been smoking since I was 14 and now I am 32. I have 2 beautiful children and I ha,ve read up that besides for yourself, it helps if you have something else to focus on so I have decided to see them as a great focus point as well. I really hope I can hold out. I tried quitting one time in the past and was actually good for 6mths straight but was so moody and nasty and dont ask me how but one day I found myself smoking again. Sad day. Hopefully now I have more will power 🙂

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Hi Barbara, I think the fact that you really want to quit is the main thing. You can do it. This group is very kind and supportive!




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