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Give and get support around quitting


January Quitters


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HI everyone! 🙂 I'm a single more of a beautiful little girl!! She is my main reason for quitting because I never want her to grow up with out her mommy because of bad choices. My quit date is January 10th! HERE WE GO!! 😄

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I will smoke my last cigg. to night and i am ready, i will do a lot of self talk, yes WEcan DO THIS WE ALL KNOW WHAT WE ARE UP AGAIST , HAPPY NEW YEAR

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Well, my quit date is January 15th, however, I may quit earlier than that.  This makes me really nervous.  I quit a couple years ago for like 9 months, completely cold turkey.  But for some reason now I am finding it harder.  So here's to something hopefully, I'm going to quit and make this a better year than last year, make my better half happy that she may have me a little longer, and get back to setting healthy goals for myself instead of reaching for a cigarette all the time.  Happy New Years all and good luck!

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I'm trying to quit smoking and I have my quit date to be January 15,2010. I know it's going to be hard as I have tried to quit once before but I'm tired of not being able to exercise without gasping for air,or being able to drive without freezing b/c I have to smoke, and b/c I'm tired of spending all that money on something that disgusting when I can use that money to go to Nascar Races or go to see my parents in Hawaii. I will pray for those who are trying to quit and if you have any helpful hints to help please let me know. I'm going to make the 2011 all about me getting healthier no matter what.

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I have set my date for Jan 31, 2011... I am a two time breast cancer survivor and my husband quit a year ago this past October. I really want to quit., I have "slowed down" on my smoking for more than a year now and cannot tell you this last time I actually smoked a whole cigarette in one sitting, It usually takes me about four time to smoke that cigarette over a three to four hour period.. not sure how that counts on the cigarette tracking calender. But this is my plan and I know I can do this

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Happy New Year!!!  How are all of the New Year's day quitters doing???? 

I have a headache ~ and trying not to be grouchy!!  Going to a movie this afternoon so that will help 🙂

Hope you're all doing as well or better!!!!  We can do this ~ I HAVE TO do this and I WANT TO!

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Happy New Year everyone!!  My thoughts and prayers are with all of you who are quitting smoking today, and for everyone else as well.  Today is my 4th day of step down from 25 to 30 cigs a day.  So far today i have had TWO cigarettes. i added nicorette lozenges 2 mg to my routine and it seems to be helping a bit.  As a retired paramedic i iknow that i am dealing with a drug addition and will be taking this process one day at a time with high hopes for myself.  My husband is a pharmacist and a former smoker so there is some great support from him!  i have found something that helps me while i am driving or sitting at home to keep my hands busy:  i have two worry stones that i hold on to as much as i  can as often as i need it.  Every little bit helps. 

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Hello and happy New Year everyone. cravings are strong I want to be stronger. Trying to keep my hands busy and my mind occupied.  I have not smoked today but have thought about it many times.  Hench the reason i logged on. I wish evryone good luck on this new year this new life WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

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Happy New Year,  I am new  to this forum and after so many failed attemps in the past, I have decided  jan 1, 2011 is the day to learn to relive with out that cig. My last cig was 5 am this morning and already i can smell the odor in the bedroom where I smoked the most. I am in  the process of washing everything in the room including curtains. I found this website by chance and hoping that the support here, which i had always lacked in my past failed attemps  will be benficial in staying  free of smoking.

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i had my last cig. at 11pm last night , to day was ok, i was a little grumpy, but  i hope every one hang in there, Welcome to all the new ones

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