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Give and get support around quitting


January Quitters


Etiquetas (1)
478 Respuestas

Way to go Dyanne! I'm rooting for you! I'm right behind you ~ quit date on the 10th. Hang in there, you can do it.

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i quit shortly after midnight on NYE.  i just found this website today but nevertheless i am going to get connected and hope it helps.  i found it strange that yesterday at home fighting the cravings wasnt so bad but today back at work was AWFUL.  i literally cried.  i guess i need to find a way to deal with my "jerk face boss" trigger!! Any suggestions for on the job cravings?? 

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My quit date was January 1, but I actually didn't smoke after 7:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve, so I got a little jump start.  I've finished Day 2 and yesterday was at home while today was at work.  I see special challenges at work because I still need to get away from the computer periodically.  The number of smokers at work has been steadily dwindling, and I never particularly liked standing out there smoking by myself.  I am setting up some break times with another woman who is quitting smoking on Monday.  I have to say, I'm more hopeful about this quit than any other, because for the first time I don't feel deprived by not smoking.  I really DON"T WANT to smoke!!  Amazing.  I have smoked heavily for 53 years and all of a sudden I just don't want to any more.

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So this will be my third time seriously trying to quit smoking hopefully third time is the charm! The first time was for a year and the second for two years so im hoping this my last time. My quit date is 1/12/2015, my two biggest obsticals is smoking at work, when I am bored and driving, but driving is the worst. Anyone have any suggestions for breaking the smoking and driving habit?

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Hi Everyone!

Welcome to all new members and Happy New Year!

How is everyone who's quit date came already doing? Do we have 2 days smoke-free yet?

Another member shared this link with me which I've found helpful in dealing with cravings:

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What a great group.  Yes Strength in Numbers. But also Strength in Wisom to be had through experience.  And Welcome to all the Newbies that have joined.  If you'd like some wisdom from the oldbies - here's a link to an Elder's List which may provide some benefit of experience  from those who have over a one year quit.  They're quit dates are noted next to their names.  And after that   - the link to their page.  When on their pages you can read all their blogs by cllicking on the blog tab under their photo/icon.  I recommend it.  You'll learn a lot from people with a great deal of experience who have "been there, done that" and are where you want to be!  We know that you can do this because we have.  So have heart!  Cheers from the bleachers!.

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I actually quit on 12/23, but this morning I slipped up.  I kept thinking about having just one smoke, maybe one pack, and then restarting.  Talked myself into driving to the store and bought a pack of cigaretts.  Lit it up and it was horrible.  Noxious fumes immediately through my sinuses.  Smelled and tasted horrible!  But it was what I wanted, right?  Took two puffs and put it out.  Lit another one, same thing.  Lit another one, two puffs, still just as horrible.  Ran water into the pack and threw it away.  Jeez, why would I think that was so great?  I just have to try to remeber how horrible it is instead of creating this fantasy of satisfaction and enjoyment.  So, although I actually quit 10 days ago, I slipped up and I'm joining this group.  The only problem is that when I got that urge this morning, the last thing I wanted to do was come here and have somebody talk me out of it.  Crazy, right?

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No cigarettes since midnight on New Years Eve!  I am using a nicotine patch - not sure I could avoid the triggers and temptations without it.  But so far, so good!  I am exercising at my club and doing A LOT of deep breathing!!  I want this to be IT - with no going back.

Good luck to the January quitters!

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My name is Gail. and I have chosen January 19th for my quit date. I have many concerns about my ability to become a successful ex-smoker, as I have 'been here before" and failed. Over the next two weeks, as I prepare myself, I plan on immersing myself, as much as possible with information and support, with the hope that on my quit date, I will be as committed to my success, as I know I will need to be for it to work.

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I stoped Jan 1st and no cig. yet. This is my second time quiting, got to make it work, have asthma and cigs make it worse. Wish me luck......

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