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Give and get support around quitting


January Quitters


Etiquetas (1)
478 Respuestas

WE are here to kick butts, and we are doing it WOW,   day 3 it was not to bad, i want to welcome all the new ones , 

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my quit date was 1-11-11, but i couldn't leave those extra cigarettes i had alone, so today is my quit date.

It seemed too easy, i didn't even have a patch on.

suddenly this evening, this craving got over me and i started looking in all my drawers to see i i had any butts left, but i didn't . The craving wouldn't go away , so i am chewing on Nicorette gum right now.

I did exercise today and i think its a huge help.Also keeping busy is important. I may start playing my guitar again, it keeps my hands and mind busy.

I too am happy to be in this group


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Day 6.  I have to force myself to think about now and not worry about how I'm going to refrain from smoking next week, next month, etc.   I work on the 2nd floor and have found that taking a break and walking up and down the stairs a few times helps me get thru the urges to smoke.  When you are breathing hard, it's a good reminder of why you're quitting.  Hang in there everyone.  This sure isn't easy, but it helps me alot to know I'm not going thru this alone.

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DAY 4---Hello all..I hope you are Happy and Healthy !!!  Yesterday was the hardest day so far !  I think I am feeling a bit better today.  I pray we all have a Wonderful--smoke free day! 


 ...Peace and Love to you

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Day 4!!! Woot Woot...

Hope today is much better for you. I know it will be. Have you downloaded the quit keeper yet? It is great.

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I am back in the community again- I quit for about 7 months about a year and a half ago- started up again.  I am having troulble getting started- I will think about a quit date then back off.  I could really use some inspiration to get this going- i welcome any feedback  I have just started on the BecomeanEx plan again- starting to track cigarettes-any suggestions on using the plan would be greatly appreciated.



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I've never been so aprehensive of a 3 day weekend as I am right now.  It's crazy, but I wish it were just a standard 2 day weekend.  Weekends I find the hardest when I've quit smoking.  The work week can be stressful, but at least there's a near constant influx of distractions to help ward off the cravings.  Weekends come with a little too much free time for the craving thoughts to creep in and fester.  Two days can sometimes be a struggle to push through.  Three days is gonna be rough.

I've already said no to a couple invites to go out this weekend.  Don't want to be a party pooper but I'm staying very far away from bars/alcohol for at least a month.  It's how I've fallen off the wagon before and I refuse to put myself in that situation again.  It's not that I think my will power is necessarily weak, it's that I know enough not to mosey right up to temptation and sit in its lap.  On the upside, I have a severe amount of DVR and Netflix DVD's to watch, ha!  And I can get to the gym and yoga.  I'm going to be a weekend hermit for at least the rest of January.  Then maybe I'll think about social situations.  My friends aren't happy about me being a hermit, but they're supportive, and I appreciate that.

Do y'all have your weekend craving-avoidance contingency plans in place?  Be strong, WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!!

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am too going to quit this year, for sure, too expensive, smells, etc.. plan for the 29th of janurary, as am not working on weekend, so should be easier to do... am crossing my fingers, toes, legs, arms, eyes, etc  

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I just stopped smoking this afternoon.  I flushed my last one

down the toilet and said that's it!  I hope to be able to ride out

any storms and temptations life deals me.  Happy to be on the

right path.  Using nicotine gum to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Now to think of something to do with my time.  Free.  marinels

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To Chad,  I too do not look forward to the weekends because of all the extra time.  But I guess if you are having lousy weather, try to sleep as much as you can, and if you are having good weather, like we are going to have in Colo, try to go out and do things.  I am going to go shopping, take dogs to doggy park maybe try a new recipe, visit with neighbors, anything that will keep me from driving to store and getting cigs.  I am now 13 days 20 hours and 26 min smoke and nicotine free, and I am going to keep it that way.  I feel way too much better to throw that away on cigs.  Not going to happen, my body has healed to much to take it back to where it was.  I hope other people just starting will realize how quickly they can realize the benefits of not smoking and hang in to enjoy those benefits.     Hang in everyone   PJ

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