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Give and get support around quitting


January Quitters


Etiquetas (1)
478 Respuestas

day twelve... i snow day, i shoveled alot of snow today (17") which was hard and tiring, but not as hard and tiring as it usally is....breathing is much easier

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day 9 almost over...ready for 10

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Hi ,I'm sue  I just want to introduce myself and say that this is not my first quit, but I pray it is my last. My  reason for quitting is definately is my health, I have COPD, and as a result I am coughing, wheezing, and I get short of breath so easily ! Today is day 1 for me , I wish everybody sucess , I will stay close to this site for wisdom and support. 

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Hope all are having success!!  I've gone a liitle over 8 days now (1-5-11). Things are still going well. Honestly have not missed it. Days 3-5 seemed to have been little rougher (moderate urges).  As time had passed smell and taste continue to improve. I still remove patch before bed, which has also helped. Getting great support and encouragement!! Best to you all!!

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Day 3!!!

Hope everyone has a beautiful smoke free day.

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Hey all, hope everyone is staying strong.  It's been 10 days, 14 hours, and 40 min since my last cigarette.  I made the decision yesterday to take off the 21mg nicotine patch I've been using and try to push through the 72 hours it will take for the physical nicotine addiction to be gone.  It's been kinda rough, not gonna lie.  I have a nicotine patch on me in case I go completely nuts, but I really want to be rid of all of it: the cigarrettes, the nicotine, the whole deal. 

The cravings today have been rough, and I preemptively apologized to a couple people in my office that I'm going to be one moody mo-fo today.  Thankfully I've taken out most of my frustration by yelling at my computer when it doesn't instantly do what I want it to do.  I've avoided flipping out on people (at least not in front of them, but there's been a couple times I've had to run back to my office and shut the door, wig out for a moment, then carry on).

I bought a ton of candy to get thru the next few days, and I have chop sticks at the ready to knaw the crap out of.  I partly feel like I'm quitting all over again, even tho I haven't had an actual cigarette in about a week and a half.  At least if I "cheat" on this one, it's just by putting a nic patch on and not actually smoking!

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Well I blew it.  I  gave in on day 5.  My problem is I really enjoy a cigarette and it is more a "habit" with me  I know I must/need to quit.  I reset my quit date as Feb 1.  I hope I can do it.  I think I might buy the patch or gum to help me.  Never tried those before.  I took buproprion a year ago when I tried to quit and that didn't help.  This site is good, but  didn't seem to help me.  I will stay with it however. 

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Hi to all - I am new to this site. I recently had Neck surgery and have to be nicotine free in order for the surgery to be a success. Went 20 days without a cig and sad to say started back up very lightly - 3- 5 per day at most. I tried the vapor ecigarettes - they are OK but not a good replacement. I cannot use any nicotine replacements or meds due to my surgery .. I am now going to try those Non-Nicotine Cigarettes that I have read about where people have quit within a month using because they don't have any nicotine in them ... anyone try them?? 

Good luck to all - I have never been a heavy smoker but enjoyed my love affair with my 1/2 pack per day so this is not easy! I have to do it not only for my full health but don't want another neck surgery ...

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To all new people on the site,  Welcome from all of us.  We are so glad to share this happy, frustrating, freeing, maddening time with as many people as possible.  I think the more of us who write something, the better, because something we write just might be the ONE thing another person needs to hear to be successful.  Sorry I have been away from the site, I had a trip to the ER yesterday with a rather severe kidney stone.  Never had one of those, but I tell ya, they are painful.  Got the pain killers till I either pass it or have to have it removed.  But am most proud of the fact that in my pain and suffering I did not justify to myself smoking a cigarette.  I was feeling mighty sorry for myself and I kept thinking, if ever there was a time you deserve a cigarette, it is now.  But I didn't and it was nice at the ER to not be asked automatically if I smoke.  I guess they didn't ask because I did not smell like cigarettes.  And also, I do think I was better able to deal with the pain because I was healthier than I was 12 days ago. So Hang in everyone,  we are all here for each other.    PJ

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Hello! Halfway through day 2 here. Amazed at how quickly the sense of smell is returning. I am able to push the thoughts of wanting a cigarette away fairly easy, but the thoughts come alot. It is frustrating me. But I guess that is to be expected from a 20 yr habit! Bought some gum and some tic tacs, and apples with carmel dip so I dont constantly snack. Not so sure I would be so positive without this Nicotine patch on my arm. Looking forward to going up the stairs without getting winded and wish I could just cough all this junk out of my chest right now and be done with it!

I wish you all strength to get through tomorrow. We can do this!!!!!!!!!!!


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