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Give and get support around quitting


January Quitters


Etiquetas (1)
478 Respuestas

Today is Day 3 for me and the fourth time I've tried to quit.  2nd try in the last 6 months. Tho I have visited this site before, I have been reading as many comments and posts as I can these past three days and find it so helpful to read some of my thoughts coming from the rest of you.

PJ58, I am an end task smoker too!  How hard to fight that initial urge when the job is almost done & my mind goes immediately to the cigarette that would normally be following.  This time, Im making more productive use of my free time & also going to bed early, if I feel my willpower waning at the end of the day..

Good luck to all for a successful, healthy new year!

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i am so disappointed in myself....crashed and burned today! 😞  Stepdown with 3 to 4 cigs a day, withdrawl is taking its toll.  i've had 7 today and i am so bummed.  i picked up the 4 mg nicorette lozenges tonight and will see if that helps with the psychobi$$h symptoms.  The 2 mg did well until today.  i hope tomorrow is better!

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I agree with you Shay they do need rehab for us, after all it is a bad drug.

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day five...scary...maybe it's just because i quit smoking, mabe it's just because i quit smoking MAYBE IT"S JUST BECAUSE I QUIT SMOKING

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So far so good!!  Day 1 has been a success. Prepared a month for this day. utilized a wellnes coaching program thru

employer and free nicotine patches.. fairly stress free day,minor/brief thoughts/cravings. Changed my Am routine, being more aware and utilizing coping skills. As a recovering addict (17 mos clean) relying on tools that have helped me overcome drug addiction...key elements to success are Strong desire,support network, re-training the brain, identifying triggers and knowing what to do when they surface, delay/distraction tactics and PRAYER!!


Stay focused-stay STRONG!!!

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Day 5 and maybe it's getting easier! I think the hardest part for me is believing myself when i say, "i am no longer a smoker". I've smoked so long, my mind just isn't buying it! I'm still sucking on an Ecig when the cravings are strong and it seems to cut the craving a bit. Proud of us, proud of us!

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'Q' day is this saturday!!! very excited 2 b a jan '11 quitter!!! can't wait 2 b free of this addiction 🙂

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Getting ready for bed.....has anyone had vivid dreams while on the patch? Man, I have dreamed some crazy stuff! I actually woke up the other morning and went to get the toaster strudels out of the freezer and couldnt find them. I was pissed! Come to find out, I only DREAMED I bought them at the grocery! It was so real though...then I had a dream I was on the beach and all these whales started beaching themselves and I was frantically trying to push them back in the water. I felt so hopeless and helpless and was so tired when I woke up (metaphorical, right?) After all I've been through these past 6 days I'll be damned if I go back to smoking again!!! Everybody, PLEASE, hang in there!

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Hello PJ (and everyone)- Thank you for the welcome, I'm 41 now and I've smoked since I was 12. I've had a few short quit periods, the best being about 2 years. Smoking is expensive, stinky, and I'm getting older and have enough health issues now, that I'm worried about my future health. On Sunday, which was the 2nd I bought my last 3 packs and called the Florida Quit line to get nicotine gum to help. Sunday- 11 cigs, Monday- 11 cigs, Tuesday- 8 cigs, Today- 11cigs.    I'm doing better than I was with smoking around a pack to just over. I also started smoking outside the house and removed ashtrays from the house. But my online college classes started up this week and I had extra things to do like undecorate. I'm a bit more stressed today than yesterday, I think that's why I went back up a couple of cigs today and I feel "Tweeky" tonight for some reason. I have depression, anxiety and other issues, combined with requiring a "thinking cig" for everything- I'm always under stress- yet I'm attempting this again-should be interesting!

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I have been "quitting" off an on since August of 2010, I did my last BINGE smoking session on 1/4/11, on 1/5/11 no cigarettes.  Not a big feat for me since I have been doing this since August of last year.  The feat comes 3-4 days from now....friday night, saturday with the girls.  I have chosen not to drink for at leat 30 days.  Time to start living!  Get behind me DEVIL CIGS! 

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