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Give and get support around quitting


January Quitters


Etiquetas (1)
478 Respuestas

Last cigarette at midnight last night.  Getting a little antsy so I came here to see how everkyone else is doing.  Hoping that reading these entries will help me stick to it.

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Happy New Life to everyone.  That is the way I am looking at it.  i decided a month ago to quit and my first day was today.  I had some cigarettes left over from yesterday and I finished those 7.  I have tried to quit in the past, with no success.  But I have never done this before, joined a group.   I am tired of going outside and freezing to death or too hot to sit outside in the summer, having my grandkids telling me my breath smells and last but definitely not the least I am a 2 year laryngeal cancer survivor and my doctors ask me every 3 months when I go in for follow ups if I've quit yet.  I so want to be able to tell them YES I HAVE on my next visit in March.  So let's all give this a really good try and reach our goal. 

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Today is my quit date i purchased the patch to assit me. So far I feel okay. I have been smoking since I was 12 I am now 44 way to long to be smoking. I have tried many times before but the cigarette has always controled me I am now ready to take control of them. Happy New Year and good luck to us all.

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well I also have decided to go  this route to yet again quit smoking. my quit date is also Jan 15. will take all the help I can get. will also give all the help I can.

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Well I have tried to quit many times, and have slipped up many times too. I plan on doing this for good this time. Does anyone have any suggestions to keep the grouchy mood swings at bay?

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Second day....going triggers are after I eat and when I talk on the phone...guessing I need to take the phone off the hook and not!  Hoping this forum will help me accomplish my wish to quit!

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Hey all, I'm a returning ex member ready to really do it this time. Into day 2 and noticing that both me and the wife are a little extra crab-assy to each other. Other than that, no major problems yet. Trying to stay relaxed and just reading folk's blogs. Back to work tomorrow after a two week vacation. Only minor cravings so far. Best wishes for all who are here quitting these nasty things. The FSC was the final straw for me. They REALLY taste like s#*t now. What a difference carpet glue makes.

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morning all ~ day 2!  I went to bed early last night and got up late this morning....this is not easy by any means but I still want to NOT smoke more than I want to smoke!  For me it's been looking at the clock and knowing I just have to get thru the next hour....there WERE periods when i didn't think about smoking and when I remembered, I was happy that I'd forgotten LOL  good luck to everyone today!!

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Morning everyone.  Well had my last cig at 8:00 last night so 15 hours cig free and nic free, as I decided to go with only Chantix and no NRT.  Even tho 8 of those 15 hours were spent sleeping, I am still proud of the 7 waking hours I have put in.  It has not been as hard as the other two times I tried this year, matter of fact it is way easier than those times.  And I am trying to pinpoint the difference and I think it is because this time my decision to quit is much, much more definite than it was in the past.  I am not sure why THAT is, except that maybe my breathing has become worse since the last two tries and so I can not tell my self that the effect of cigs on me isn't that bad.  I truely do have to ask myself, "What do you love more, BREATHING or Smoking",  because I truely know now I can't have both, it is one or the other, choose.  So I am happy to hear that you all are doing it, choosing to breathe, I am proud of us all.          Hang in everyone.     PJ


PS  I get messages from new members sent to my  personal email, I think automatically because I started the group.  As you can see this group has grown quite a bit, so that meens I am getting quite a few messages on my email.  I love to read them, but I just do not have the energy to answer them all.    Thanks for not thinking me rude.     

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To Stunninglypoised ( love that name, by the way).    I have found that the advise of a Quit Smoking author (whose name escapes me right now) is the best I have found for not being grouchy.  He said a successful  quit involves 2 decisions, 1.) not smoking ever again, and 2) not being crabby about that decision.  I know it sounds simplistic, but I have found that when I decide I am going to be OK about not smoking, I am for the most part OK , fairly upbeat and peaceful.   And when I have not made that decision I find the not smoking so much harder.  Hope this helps.            PJ

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