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Give and get support around quitting


Its a month....still want to smoke?? Wth!

Its a month today...and I am proud of that, but i have to say today i am having strong cravings to smoke....i wont...but why am i feeling this way???  Ughhhhh

20 Replies

Thank you for the video!  The people on this site are so knowledgeable!  So glad I am here and not doing this alone!


You have been given some great information.  It takes time.  If you have smoked more than 30 days it is going to take more than 30 days to get over the thought. Sometimes we just have to /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2019/10/23/dig-deep  Good job on not smoking Congrats on 30 days. 


Congratulations on 30 days.  I have been quit for over 6 1/2 years but I am going through a really tough time physically and emotionally right now.  The physical part is from 47 years of smoking, the emotional part is a combination.  I comforted myself by a pacifier and I had a really strong feeling that I wanted a cigarette a couple of days ago.  Honestly, it stunned me, even though I KNEW what the triggers were.  Having a trigger does not give you permission to act on it...only YOU give yourself that permission. You have gotten some really stellar advice here.


You can still get the occasional craving after several years of no nicotine. They get further and further apart, but, they can still come.

One day at a time gets you there my friend.


SO GOOD to see your response OldBones-Larry‌, I think my heart smiled.




Mine, too!

Not applicable

I am going to say something I had to say to myself . 

If you are committed ; if you want to be free of this addiction it really doesn't matter . When it will be over doesn't matter , You are in it for life . That is a good thing .  The rest of our lives are going to be smoke free .... never another day one , because we have free will to choose . Smoke or not , no grey area. Make it clear , no grey , you have chosen not to smoke .. awesome ! 

Yes , you may or may not feel the effects from smoking for a long time ... its a process . 

 Every person is differerent , but for all of us , we take one day at a time .  Things will get better , be patient , just stick to the plan . 

You are doing great.  I've been so impressed with your commitment , your willingness to overcome , to post , to reach out ... to persist and defeat this addiction . Give yourself a breather and really congratulate yourself . 


Suzinut   How's it going?


0 Kudos

Im 37 days!  But it is HARD!  I still have urges to smoke...some are strong...but i refuse to smoke...NOT ONE PUFF!  THANKS FOR ASKING!


Happy to hear you staying the course.  It is hard in these early days.   Your strong commitment will get you through this period.   

Stay close now.  It's an important time in your quit to have support.
