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Give and get support around quitting


It took a week just to make a profile.

Hi, I am Julia. Just filling out the profile has been tough. To be quite honest, I am a bit teary right now. I didn't want to leave without saying hello. Today is memorial day 2008. I have opened the door. I have come a long way. This is just one more step back to recovery. I too saw the commercial. Before I got sick I was athletic, practiced yoga and meditation, ate very health and had pretty good control over cigarettes. I didn't like that I smoke as it was a horrible example, but I justified it by smoking Capri's and was careful where I smoked. During my illness, I got close to 300 pounds at one point, lost faith, and picked up quite a nasty tobacco habit. In the 2 years and 5 months I have been well. I have relearned most all daily thing, including rebuilding my body. I can walk where I want and I ride a bike again too. This cigarette thing is horrible. If I can do all that I have done in the past 2.5 years. God willing, I can at get this horrible habit back in the closet or even better, gone.
I feel better, I am not teary, now. I feel a little hopeful. And did not even feel hopeful the first time I left my scooter chair behind. I felt scared when I did that, I guess sort of what I felt like when I first began this paragraph.
Prayers and peace,
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8 Replies

We can do this together!

Friends Help Friends Not To Smoke
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I understand your anxiety. In fact, almost everyone here does. The program is fairly logical though. When I first began it, It didn't seem threatening because I still had the comfort smoking cigarettes for 2 weeks. I didn't even think about the quit date looming ahead until a couple days before I quit, and when it came I felt ready. When you don't smoke during typical tobacco time, yet you allow yourself to smoke at odd times of the day, it gives you a better idea of what being cigarette free is going to be like without the anxiety of not having a cigarette. Before you know it, you will be ready to stop. Just remember two important things: medication helps control cravings ALOT. Medication isn't for everyone, but I stress that anyone trying to quit should at least experiment with medication to try to find one that suites them. The other thing- come to this forum for support. It helps so much to read of other people's regret, accomplishments, and advice.
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Hi Julia
Well done for taking the plunge in what I read as a courageous journey already for you.
God willing all things are possible and it just takes your will of meeting him half way - lol

You can and will kick the habit as I am too - two weeks and counting each craving as I pass it daily - I got past that one!
Don't be too hard on yourself and enjoy the steps you've already achieved - well done again
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hugs, anything you need, we will be here to help.
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You can accomplish anything ...especially with thanks and praise to the one that can solve all problems even someones smoking problem......

Believe ----- You Can Do It !
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Thank you, for the comments and letters. The notices in my email was a big support to me. mA
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Thank you everyone for the comments and letters. The notices in my email was a big support to me. mA
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We are all in the same boat here Julia, if quitting is something you really want then you can do it.
Lots & Lots of luck!! 😃
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