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Give and get support around quitting

It's so hard!!!

I tried to set yesterday as my quit day and told many people. All I could think about was smoking! I found an old partial pack of stale cigs and smoked them. Then I ran an errand and before I knew it I was buying a pack of cigs.! Please help! I really want to quit.

Karen T.
0 Kudos
13 Respuestas

This is hard? absolutely! This is worth it?. Absolutely!

It will never be the right time or the right place or the right year. Your addiction will always talk you out of quitting. Make up your mind and do it.

Go to and read the stuff there. Read read read.....the more you know about this the easier it will be to quit. They don't like the use of meds there but I believe you should use whatever you need to quit. I used the patch for 10 weeks and it really made things better. You need to have a plan for the times it will be hard, deep breaths, mints, water, walk, anything but smoking.

You can do this....we can encourage you but the bottom line is this.

Nobody can make you smoke and nobody can make you quit.

You can do this! Be strong! Get a plan. Become an EX!

Susan Day 71
0 Kudos

Thank you so much for the support, Susan! I'll visit that site and read, read, read! Thanks again!!!

0 Kudos

Thanks, Karen! All this support and kind words help me so much. My husband wants to quit too and we were just talking about it. It would be so much easier for us to quit together--right?
Thanks again!

Karen T
0 Kudos

Karen, Karen, Karen. You must be willing to be uncomfortable for a while. And yes, all you're going to think about is smoking in the initial stages of this rite of passage. It will consume you, if you let it. That's why it's important to change routines. I remember being so happy when I managed to get through a couple of blasted hours without thinking of a cigarette and then I'd go to the grocery store and see a discarded butt on the ground and wham. And I'd be SOOO pissed off that that reminder was there. But that's life. There are prices you pay when you smoke and prices you pay when you give it up. But there are no rewards to smoking. That part is all in our minds.

Try this: don't smoke for half a day. Go through every nook and cranny in your house and throw out any cigarettes hidden anywhere. Take your ashtrays, lighters, all smoking paraphernalia and either throw them out, take them to a thrift shop or give them away. (If you don't do this it means you're not really serious about quitting.) If you have butts in your garbage, take the garbage out and throw it away so that you can't get to the butts. Throw out the cigarettes you bought. yesterday. Now - do not smoke for 6 hours. Just 6 hours.

If you go buy another pack - throw them out at the end of the day. The demon will say - "oh but I've spent all this money on them....what a waste." (What the waste is, is of your life.) Pay absolutely no attention to that trickster and throw them away. Throw away enough packs and you'll get the message. You wanna stop throwing your money away? Then stop smoking.

What are doing when a craving hits? Here's what I did: I took slow deep breaths, I sucked on a water bottle. Our need to suck is primal, so don't just drink it out of a glass, go get a bottle with a nipple on the end (like those sports bottles). I "pretend" smoked with straws (did that a LOT) and I stuffed my face with raw vegetables. I exercised. I wrote in a journal. I posted on line. I did everything, but I didn't smoke.

Again I say - you have to be willing to be uncomfortable for a while. Do not think of this in terms of forever, it's too overwhelming. Take it in little bits, one minute at a time.
0 Kudos

aloha karen, the best thing to do is to be ready to quit, if your hubby wants to stop to go for it together. the first thing that helps is education, the whyquit site and others have the info that will tell you what to expect and why we feel the way we do, it will explain things like why you just go through the motions of setting a date and just smoking anyway. we are addicts and we need to be armed with everything it takes to get past this education will make you feel so much better about the quit. get a quit plan. cold turkey, patches, chantix, nic gum. figure which way might work best for you, then put it into action. do not short change the plan and quit it early. I used patches, it is a 3 month program and I doubt I could of quit without them. the patch made the craves feel like a 3 and not a ten that they felt like when I tried cold turkey. be ready to get up off the couch and go for a walk, have carrot sticks and ice water at hand. take it a day at a time the first few weeks are not fun and some days after that can be hard but no matter what the struggle being free from that crap is worth whatever you go through. go for it you guys can do it
0 Kudos

You have some sound advice here already .... Here is a picture of what you had to buy again after telling others you were quitting ...

Giulia, Doreen and I also believe in Daily Pledges Not To Smoke .... Will you join us ?

I have been quit for 4 Years, 1 Month, 2 Days, 17 hours, 3 minutes and 4 seconds (1,493 days). I have saved $11,949.68 by not smoking 59,748 cigarettes. I have saved 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 3 Days and 11 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 4/4/2004 12:00 AM


PS - Please Read a few other facts about smoking.
0 Kudos

Hi Karen.

I can totally relate to you. I have been trying to quit for months. I can make it for a little while but I haven't been able to make it for 48 hours. I keep saying tomorrow I am not going to smoke anymore, but then tomorrow comes and it is right back to the same old habits. My husband is also a smoker, but he is not ready to quit yet. Sorry I dont have any words of wisdom, as I have not been very successful in my own efforts. Sometimes its just nice to know that others are going through the same trials as you!
0 Kudos

You are so right! My husband and I discussed making aplan just today. He knows how hard it is on me trying to quit while he is still smoking. I think if we do this together, we will increase our chances of success. I wish you the best and please continue to write as there is strength in numbers!!


Karen T
0 Kudos

Wow! That is some scary stuff I put in my body. Thinking about it like this is more motivation to quit for good. Thanks so much, Ray. I appreciate any and all support!

Karen T
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