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Give and get support around quitting


Is It a Slip or a Chemise?

I think it is a disservice to the newly quit to tell them it takes 9-12 (or something like that) attempts to quit smoking  So - if I make one decision to smoke - I still get 11 more tries?  Well, heck yeah - I'll have one!!!

I think it's better to be supportive - but not necessarily tell people it's expected.

What do you think?

Etiquetas (3)
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20 Respuestas

A Chemise

No....a slip

No...It's definitely a chemise

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It's a slippery chemise!

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thanks for asking me to join nancy....jim ohio

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A slip or a relapse or whatever you want to call it is a choice or a decision.  Nobody made you slip or relapse but yourself. Nobody can make you quit but yourself.  Stopping smoking is a choice or decision. 


They refer to it as a "slip" so you stay on your quit.  You didn't ruin that whole day of quitting with one puff or half a cigarette. You 'slipped', put it out, and get back on your quit.  I think it's a good term to use, so if you do 'slip' you haven't ruined the whole day of quitting and use it as an excuse to smoke the rest of the day, thinking you have to wait till the next day to start over.  People are not perfect and they will make mistakes.  

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Thanks, everyone, I LOVE the conversation and debate going on here.  EXACTLY what I set out to do!


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Ok, i'm confused..I called my start again a slip. but just because I did does not mean that I don't believe it is an addiction or that I am in denile! I KNOW it is an addiction! I am aware that it was my own desition to light that cig.  and I also know I am an addict to nicotine!! what I meant when I said that was simply that I smoked..  A disservice?? really?? I did not take it lightly when I smoked..and I am not a weak person! I was dissapointed in myself and ashamed that I did it.. When I read comments like this it makes me wonder how many people have not come back because they feel judged.. believe me I watched my mother die from this nasty addiction so I do  not take it lightly or as a joke. I KNOW how serious it is. IT IS AN ADDICTION!!!! it is not easy to quit!! Please do not judge people!  people quit and start several times before they finally make it smoke free. my mother, finally after 50 years of smoking made it almost a year smoke free, only to find out she quit to late.. I was still proud of her for that 10 mths that she made it!!! i don't mean to affend anyone! but please do not say that we take it lightly or think it is no big deal if we slip ( orwhat ever you want to call it) this is the most serious thing in my life.. 

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So why do you think this comment was about YOU Kelly?

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PS you might want to PM me if you have an issue with me, NOT put it in the public blogs because I've really had enough drama causing misunderstandings to last a life time

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This is such a great group/topic. Miss you Nancy!  I feel You don't want to give yourself permission to give in to a crave - that's for sure. Also don't want to give up if you do give in. Keep getting back up if there's a self imposed fall!  Hey a slip doesn't have to be a complete fall. Catch yourself before you bust your butt -well on second thought yes bust your butts but not your bum!!!! 🙂

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