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Give and get support around quitting


I've been smoke free for 57 days and counting, but I have become progressively more irritable, especially lately. I live in NYC, and that is a challenge in itself. 

I've bee working out since August but I've put on weight nevertheless, and this makes me angry. 

What advice would you give someone in my state?


Losing it.


50 Replies

I was like a pit viper.  hahahahaha  It is just so very important to find new things to occupy your time and space, for that matter. 



I think it helps to revisit Nicotine 101 page on this site periodically. I know from my other addictions that I have a "quick forgetter" especially when I'm trapped in the bondage of self centered fear, ie; emotional extremes,  which I stuffed a long time ago when I found chemicals that took the edge off of those emotional jags - mental & emotional conditioning from years of smoking. Now that I'm not smoking I get to choose. Nicotine doesn't get to choose how I'm going to feel. I choose to practice the feelings I relinquished to chemical dependancies today. No matter how painful they are. This is probably the hardest part of my recovery from any addiction. I don't know if this will be helpful to anyone here. But it sure helps me to say it here.

Thankful for finding this site, John27dof  


It's very helpful John! I agree with all you've said. It's actually a nice, calming feeling when you realize that hey, wait... I made this decision to quit - nothing or no one MADE me do this. I keep an un-opened pack of cigarettes outside in the garage just to remind myself that I CHOOSE not to smoke anymore. They can stay there, I won't make an excuse that they were to close, it was to tempting ... thats just silly. If I'm going to smoke, nothing will stop me.  I don't MISS it, I just don't. Not saying I don't crave it, but I don't miss it. 

  I read, read, read... I've read some of the same blogs here over and over... I'm reading the Allen Carr book now and I LOVE it! Funny, I never thought I would love a book about how to stop smoking, but I do.. it's great and I am learning so much!

 Hope your day is great !!

Debbie 30 days smoke-free 🙂

  Since I'm on the nicotine patch, not sure I can do "DOF" LOL


That's Awesome Debbie. 30 days without putting 4000 other chemicals, 70 of which are known carcinogens. You have arrested gum/tooth problem, and many other issues related to inhaling carbon monoxide smoke. You will get there as you step down.  


Thank YOU John. 30 days I NEVER thought I could ever do, ever! Patch or no patch.. this is a huge accomplishment for me and I am so proud of myself. Especially this month... It's been trying to say the least 🙂


For me as well Debbie. We have the power!!


We do have the power and more importantly we have the support   


Deb-EX‌ and darnPainter‌ You have it ALL, you are going to keep your quits, you are going to learn so much about yourselves as you grow with your quits.




 Thank you Ellen!! Yea, we ARE going to make it. It's nice having someone in my exact quit time too.. We will be in NML together - with CLUBS - Ooop... LOL LOL  

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Member are going to be ready for anything and everything that NML has to offer.  You are both very strong and you are also both supporting each other and getting lots and lots of support from those who have gone before you.  Keep it up.