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Give and get support around quitting


I've been smoke free for 57 days and counting, but I have become progressively more irritable, especially lately. I live in NYC, and that is a challenge in itself. 

I've bee working out since August but I've put on weight nevertheless, and this makes me angry. 

What advice would you give someone in my state?


Losing it.


50 Respuestas

$13 in NYC. Very expensive. 

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Oh my, smokenomorelpj !!!!  Packs of coffin nails are up to $13 now???  Wow.

I was born and raised in New York City, and when I left, they were like $3.00.  When I landed in South Carolina, they were virtually giving them away at $1.50 a pack - tobacco country!  Who knew the hidden damage those things were slowly causing in our bodies back then?  The tobacco companies were surely not going to let you know the true facts, as it would have impacted their profits.

Irish Rose 


Thanks so much. 

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Did you not get irritable when you smoked?  I have been thinking about this a lot, for some reason, I realize that I got very irritable when I smoked...usually because I was looking for a place to smoke or a time when I could get away but the fact is, I got angry, I got irritable, I felt sad, I felt everything I felt once I quit, it just seemed magnified at DOES get better.  Smoking does not help ANYTHING!


Magnified is an understatement

I'm really angry now and no

I wasn't like that when I smoked.

I'm not sleeping well - only 2-3 hrs at a time

and I haven't had a normal poop in a month.

Just those two things are enough to ruin your day. 


Tammyzhere     I remember that...not the sleeping part because I had been so sick that I wanted to sleep most of the time, the digestive issues were a real challenge.  I increased the amount of magnesium I was taking, I drank so much water that I felt like I was floating, and I ate things that I knew had traditionally caused me to have diarrhea and now just caused me to use the bathroom.

I did get angry when I smoked, I experienced all of the emotions I experienced when I quit...I stuffed a lot of the expression of those feelings down so that it might not have SEEMED that way.  I cried a lot after I quit, I got angrier...or so it seemed, for so many years, we stuffed everything down that it would be natural that our feelings would seem HUGE when they were allowed to come out.  Smoking never did anything to really help with our feelings, it just stuffed them down.  Eventually, we still had to deal with way or another.  I know that sometimes I exploded over something that really had nothing to do with why I was angry in the first place, I also think stuffing feelings down causes significant physical issues...I have RA and it is known to be impacted by stress as are so many other autoimmune diseases.  Stuffing anger down also leads to way or another, smoking is damaging us in so many ways, it stunts our emotional growth.

We lost our ability to handle things one at a emotion at a time because we didn't allow those emotions to come out as we were experiencing them.  I get it...they EXPLODE.  The only thing I can promise you is that it does get easier.  We learn to deal with things, one experience at a time.  I never said it was certainly wasn't for me...if it HAD been, I would have quit a long time before I did.

It's WORTH it.



I feel for you, I haven't pooped normal in a couple of weeks myself and I actually look pregnant!! I'm heading to the CVS store today to see what I can get to help with this. Yea, it can ruin your day for sure, but smoking is not the answer, although it probably feels like it is. As to the mood swings, honey you're not alone.. Keep doing what you're doing... VENTING, because that will get you to the next day. Quitting smoking is probably the hardest thing one can ever do... If you can - try watching a funny movie to keep your mind busy and remember, some days it's " " Hang in there!! 

Same thing happened to me, and after 67 days off, it happens sometimes. Last month I had to get some sleeping pills from my doctor. It was so bad; I was only sleeping 2-3 hours a day as well. and I wanted to act out in horrible ways due to this. Plus I work like a fiend. After about three months, and with the help of exercise and the pills, I sleep better now. Normally I would never take sleeping pills but I needed something. Now, I only take them when I am having problems sleeping. 

Your poop will get better too. Now, that you're not smoking you have to make sure, and this is difficult for me, to eat lots of fiber and drink a ton of water. Your bowel movement will go back to normal. Your body is readjusting itself. I eat fruit for breakfast followed by water, and this seems to help me. Additionally, I eat a lot of nuts, grains, and seeds, not to mention fiber cereal. That really helps. 


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Yes I did. But, the smoking masked the irritation momentarily. This irritation is more intense or so I think. Actually I think its the same; I just believe its more intense because I do not have cigs to mask the depression. I write my feelings down now. I try other things. I am consciously aware that I am trying something else, and the cravings subside.