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Give and get support around quitting


Im feeling stuck, and wondering if anyone else is in the same situation?

What do you do if you don’t have a good reason to quit?

some background- I smoked cigarettes for almost 15 years. I had tried to quit several times, with varying degrees of success, but ultimately always came back to smoking. Finally, about a year ago, I was able to kick cigarettes by switching to a vape. However, in light of the new bans, i will have to quit. The problem I’m facing is that I don’t want to quit, and I definitely don’t feel ready to quit, but I don’t have an option anymore. It seems like most of these cessation programs center around all of the positive benefits to quitting- none of which really resonate with me. I feel very stuck, anxious and angry. Is there a way to quit without having a reason or motivation to do so? 

Additional info: I looked into NRT and other quitting aids. While they sound effective, I don’t think I will have access to any of them. I can’t afford the gum, patches or lozenges. My skin is super sensitive to any sort of adhesive so I don’t think patches would be an option anyway. I kind of hate chewing gum/lozenges, but I’d be willing to try them if I could afford them. I don’t qualify for my states reimbursement/subsidy program. I currently have a doctor and health insurance, but in January, my new coverage will be.... well, bad. Lol. So seeing a doctor might not be an option. 

I looked into some of the medications. Unfortunately, I’m allergic to Wellbutrin- go figure, right? Haha. Chantix might not be a safe option for me, as I have bipolar disorder, and the potential mood side effects of chantix could elevate that (talked to my doc about this and he agreed). Additionally, the depression side effects that often come with quitting nicotine are something that could potentially trigger a depressive episode. 

Is there anyone else in a similar situation? I’m very much at a loss for what to do. I currently have a stock of eliquid that will probably last me a couple months, which gives me a little bit of time to come up with a quitting plan. But I’m at a loss for how to proceed... I’m working with my doctor, but again, I will likely lose access to him soon. 

Thanks for reading!

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16 Replies

Welcome to Ex. Keep sorting through this until you find what you are looking for. There is much to read and many to learn from here at Ex. Thanks for sharing your reservations about giving up vaping. 


Thank you! I’ll keep looking/reading! I’m not giving up yet! Haha

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Welcome To Ex’s...

I feel you have received some great advice above me...I must ask .. if you can’t afford NRT’s, meds etc., how are you affording to vape? Perhaps that is a good reason to quit vaping/smoking which are one in the same...I really hope you decide to quit because at some point you will have to ... no matter what...either illness or death...might want to make it your choice....keep us posted and keep close to here for support ... Colleen 296 DOF 


Thanks for taking the time to respond

based on what I’ve found online, the prices for gum seem to range, but still appear to be around $50-$70 for a decent sized box of gum. It’s not entirely clear how to calculate how long that would last me for due, in part, to how vague and unclear it can be to try and translate how much nicotine a vaper is consuming compared to how much nicotine a cigarette smoker is consuming. My best guess is that the $50-$70 box of gum would last somewhere between 2 weeks and a month? If anyone here knows of a way to get a more accurate estimate, I would definitely appreciate that clarification

Currently, I spend around $20/month on vaping. Again, I don’t really know how to get a more accurate calculation that might help me anticipate how much gum I’ll need. That being said, based on the current calculation i listed above, the gum would obviously be more costly. 

(Also, if anyone knows of where I might be able to acquire a sample pack of nicotine gum, I’d really appreciate that as well, as it would help me determine if the gum would be an option )

as for medication affordability, currently I would be able to afford it for the next couple months (my insurance switches in January.) But like I mentioned, the medications are not a financial burden, but rather, not an option due to medical reasons (Wellbutrin allergy, and doctors advice against chantix in my situation.)


Thank you for the at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX and read the blogs to help in your preparation and decision to quit smoking/vaping....we are here to help support you in this journey...


So--if I am reading all of your comments and your blog ARE quitting vaping because you can't get the liquid. But you don't see a reason to do it other than the ban.

I think some of the above community members have given you some good reasons......but here is mine.

You don't want to live as an addict. And that is what you are.......we all are/were. The fact that you don't see the addiction as a problem (except for your lack of being able to get the liquid) is a by product OF the addiction. It drives us to think we can't live without it AND that we don't WANT to (but of course we do). Wouldn't you really like not to have to worry about where you will get your refills ( a problem it seems)> Not to have to worry if the news reports and articles are correct about the chance of dying from vaping (thy are correct by the way). Not to just have the hassle of the equipment and the "need" to do something......vape.

Once you truly quit and you are no longer an addict, you WILL see more clearly than now how addiction to nicotine ruled your life. I will love living addiction free.

It is my understanding that 1-800-QUIT NOW is a help line to find NRT's if you want to use them and that it has no financial eligibility limit. I could be wrong....but that was always my understanding.

You CAN do this and.....after will wake up from the nicotine fog and find that YES! You really DO want to live addiction free.

Stay Strong


I hope you’re right! you seem sure, so I’ll trust ya! 

Thanks for that number! I’m gonna give them a call and see what they have available . Thanks again!

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