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Give and get support around quitting


Im absolutely scared outta my mind as i approach my quit date of 01/01/2018

I desperately need some encouragement as I approach my quit day. 01/01/2018. Am I THE only one who has or had anxiety before my quit date?

119 Respuestas

watch jhonny walker  advertisement. you have to walk through the gate of fear to be on otherside.

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ampan75‌ How are YOU doing?  

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Hi Ellen,

I am good. tomorrow is my son's birthday. so excited. How you doing. How is

your husband and family. The quit part, I completed a month. I smoked for

13 years. but I want to be good role model.

I read a spiritual story. A man was on death bed and desperately seeking

something. the family was worried as he may be looking for holy water or

some chanting of Spiritual words. but a wide man said uncle wants to smoke.

so ge was given cig, he took few shoots and died peacefully. that's how

this addiction is.

it's funny.



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When I was still working as a nurse, I remember a patient with advanced lung cancer begging me for a cigarette.  I could not give him one but he certainly had not lost his crave.  I can honestly say that I do not think I will want another last last one was before I quit.  

Congratulations on your month free, Happy Birthday to your son!  Your quit is a great gift to BOTH of you.


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ampan75 really a heavy thing indeed. Do you think even when you quit, that desire is always somewhere with you, even after decades of non smoking?

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not like that.... a smoker indeed wants last cig befote departing. so

better quit. as early as possible.

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Which spiritual exercises helped you in the process?

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  The spiritual element in the process of conquering addictions has always and will continue to be the most abstract part of the equation. The medical profession has only recently declared that addiction is in fact a medical disease. The bad news is no certain cure has been offered for addiction. Addiction shows itself in many faces and some addictions may require professional intervention. Good news... Our culture today offers medical coverage for alcoholics and those affected by the recent opiate addiction epidemic. However there are no rehabs for nicotine recovery, but it still includes the physical, emotional (mental) and spiritual elements that need to be addressed to attain permanent peaceful recovery. Nicotine chemical compounds allow it to be out of our bloodstream in about 3 days. For some 72 hours physical withdrawal includes a very wide variety of  reactions. However intense and complicated, none of these reactions are as serious or dire as withdrawal from alcohol or narcotics which may require medical intervention. After the physical withdrawal comes the mental process of dealing with cravings and the emotional attachment we have with our addiction. This mental and emotional facet took years to develop and take hold. It will likewise not just magically disappear but also take time to detach from our addictive behaviors. This is the point where we seek a complete psychic change necessary to put our addiction behind and begin the journey of a nicotine free life. This also includes the personal journey of discovering just what  our own unique spiritual principles may be for us. Abstract as it may be the spiritual aspect of recovery must not be neglected less we deny it as a valuable part of our success and solution to our problem of addiction. Sorry to be lengthy on this comment. Hope only to be helpful for your quit. Never quit quitting! O.D.A.T. N.O.P.E. 


Wow, jrgar - that's heavy duty, meaty stuff.  Keep imparting it!


It makes sense. I think group of people is crucial. Too bad what groups for nicotine are not so organizes like for other addictions. 

Still, we may work with what we have. May seem strange but some meditations I think could be helpful, anyone tried?

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