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Give and get support around quitting


Im absolutely scared outta my mind as i approach my quit date of 01/01/2018

I desperately need some encouragement as I approach my quit day. 01/01/2018. Am I THE only one who has or had anxiety before my quit date?

119 Respuestas

Hi there Ivan,

Well I have also heard that there is a 12 step program for smokers, but I can't find it on here either. Im sorry. I do know for a fact that the 12 step program has wonderful results with people who are in recovery from Alcohol. I have seen the results in a very good friend who is a member of AA.

That all being said, I think you will find wonderful resources on this site just by reading all the material and interacting with all of us. Many many successful quits are found here. Much support, love and no judgement. Glad your here  Welcome!

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I have not seen the 12 steps for quitting smoking, but here are the 12 steps to RECOVERY, as published by Maryland Addiction Center.

Image result

Member provides a website and resources for recovery from nicotine  addiction.


That is pretty much what we are trying to do here too, right?  But of course the more resources one can use, the better!

Many of us visited, explored other places before we decided to stick with one that best met our needs.

For me it was this place, and the continuous support of its members to help me quitting and stay quit to this day!

Daniela 668 DOF


Of course, I also think that this place is filled with good energy and great people. We can help each other

I don't want to procrastinate. I am a bit tired tonight but I will pick my quit date tomorrow and share it

Will be needing support.

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Ivan_EU‌, I am very happy you are making a decision about your quit date.  Please don't be scared of letting go, you are young and can preserve your health by quitting.  It is wonderful you decided against smoking and I congratulate you for that.  We have some members close to your age, they quit and are still happy quitters.

You will get all the help this place can provide once you ask for it!

Sleep well and make a grand decision tomorrow


You are in the right place for support!  You can do this, and like Daniela2016 said, you are young.  

This is the time to quit, before you are like many of us, and smoke for years!  I being one of them, 43 years!

This is one of the best support group sites I have found.  I don't come often, I wish I could be here more, but 

life is happening now that I don't smoke anymore!  Can't wait to see your post of your quit date!  It is do-able! 


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Thank you. You are truly a great support. 4 more days. Until Sunday. That is the date because until then I still have some tobacco. It will be a start. What can I say, but I hope and believe it will work

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The only good time to quit smoking is right now! Delaying a quit will most likely lead to another delay. Another failed quit.. more quilt, remorse and using our drug. It is a way of life for addicts to, "why do today what can be done tomorrow"... and tomorrow never comes.. Take desperate action to quit now. The physical withdrawal may not be as intense as you are fearing it will be. The drug will be out of your system by Sunday and you can start your week nicotine free! You will have defeated the powerful nicodemon and enable yourself to accomplish and conquer even more greater things then you can imagine... Never quit quitting.. O.D.A.T. N.O.P.E.


This is totally true of course. I am still too undecided to start before I end my bag. What can I say. I am also scared.

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