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Give and get support around quitting



Hi, I'm Susie, And I've decided to QUIT SMOKING on 5/25/09 in rememberance of my MOTHER, FATHER, and BROTHER, all passed away with lung issues, I miss them so much. I've been on the EX site for about 1 year,procrastinating setting a quit date, so here goes. I have developed a chronic productive cough,(DISGUSTING) and I hate the smell of cigarette smoke on me. I want to be free from this addiction for once and for all. My family wants this for me, I want this for me, too. I have been an addict for 37 years, I AM READY TO BECOME AN EX
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12 Replies

thanks ,angie, today I got some nicotine patches, sugarfree gum, (I don't care for sugarless candy cuz it gives you diarreah if you eat too much).Tonight I will ask my boyfriend if he has any cousins he can stay with indefinately, or hang on to his ass, maybe it won't be too bad. My health is the most important thing right now. Big Hugs to you Angie, you are an inspiration to me!! I do have a membership to a gym, maybe I should start using it! luv, susie-q
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I'm right there with you Susie. My quit date is tomorrow too, in honor of my dad's service in WWII I thought Memorial Day would be appropriate. I am 58 and started smoking at 14. Living in the tobacco state, NC, it was the cool thing to do and everybody smoked. But now I have been diagnoseed with early stage COPD and dont want to drag an oxygen tank around. I am also tired of having to limit my friends to those who smoke as my friends who dont smoke wont come to my house or ride in the car with me because "I stink" and that is really hard to hear. I, too, AM READY TO BECOME AN EX. Will smoke my last three cigarettes before midnite. Hang in there GF.
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I am new to the group My name is Susan and I am 44 years old have a lot of health problems Dr said that if I don't stop I will be in a will chair before to long and lord I dont want that. I stop on May 18th @ 8:00 pm  and I was doing okay until this morning I have had 3 today. I have been sick with a cold and could not breath that is why I had to go to the dr. on the 18th .  I need all the support that I can get. I would love to hear from anybody. Thanks Susan

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