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I would like to know more about NRTs

I am useing gum and lozenges, I am not sure about useing pills. can any one tell me more about the effects of these pills. I would just like to be more informed. I don't even know the names of what they have available right now.
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12 Respuestas

I've tried Wellbutron and Chantix. Wellbutron, didn't help at all with the smoking. Chantix did, but I hated the way it made me feel!!!! I went off of it after 4 weeks. Once off of the chantix, I was smoking again.
This time, I used the patch. I came off the patch night before last and so far so good. After 76 days of no smoking, I consider myself a non smoker!!! The only thing I have to remember from here on out is "never take another puff" EVER! Good luck to you Heather and let me know if I can help.
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Hi Heather, I'm taking Chanitx now and it is working great for me...I have not had many side efffects except at the very first days I had a bit of nausea...then it subsided. I do have some very vivid dreams but they are not scary, actually amusing, and i remember them also....

NOrmally with Chantix I would be taking 1 pill in the am and one in the pm, I just kept forgetting the evening one so I decided to quit that one, so far it's working fine, and that was several weeks ago...I'm going to talk to my DR. (per his request) before I get to the end of 3 months because he said the most success with Chantix is if you take it 3 months and even up to 6 so I have to discuss it with him...

I quit on June 3, almost 53 days I think, so it's not for everyone but it works for me....if you go to the chanitxers page you will get a lot of information from different people...
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I tryed useing the patch a while back. I had to quit after 3 days because my legs swelled and hurt so bad that I could not walk. It took 2 days after removeing the patch to recover enough that I could walk. I did not have it checked but I believe that my blood pressure was up. Is a rise in blood pressure a common side effect of any of the other meds? Does any one know?
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The patch is what I am using, and I am down to 7mil

Like hothula said, there is nothing easy, you just have to think about quitting most of the time the 1st few days. It's on your mind all the time. But one by one, those receptors are turned off and it gets a little easier.
Believe me, you can do it
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"i do have to say all the ads on t.v. are leading us to believe there is a magic pill when we all know there isnt."

I think that may be why the overall quit rates in the population have declined since the medical industry and governments started pushing NRT 20 years ago and advising all quitters to not try the method that 90% of the 46 million successful ex-smokers used in their quits.
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I used the gum for the first week or two. REALLY was helpful. I don't know if I could have done it without! My job does not allow me for mistakes so I needed something to let me think straight, be focused, not feel like crap while I was in active withdrawal. I quit them after the first week or so. I only chewed two pieces per day- just enough to take the edge off. You can try lots of things and find which one works for you.
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Heather, I don't know if a rise in blood pressure is a side effect or not, I'll see if I can find that info....I'll let you know if I find out
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Thanks, I have gotten a lot of info. I am going to stick with the gum and lozenges. The lozenges seem to help the most durring the day when the craveings are not as strong and the gum is best durring the morning and late evening (night) when I get hit the hardest. So I am trying not to get on anything else right now. I am affraid that there would be some side effects. I know that each person is different. Like I can't use the patch. I wish that I could cause the last time that I tryed they helped more, before I started haveing the problems. But it will be ok, I am going to get through this.
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i used chantex it work took me about three weeks but it did work...i smoked any where from a pack to two packs a works with will power...
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