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Give and get support around quitting


I would like some help?

I am 53 years old and have smoked since I was 15. I am desparately trying to quit. I have tried everything on the market and nothing has worked. I can give a million reasons why I should and I WANT to quit and not ONE to keep smoking. I quit for 2 weeks about a month ago and I can say I don't know what triggered me to start again but I did. What do I have to do?
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7 Replies

You have a better chance at your quit this time because you have the support of others who are in the same boat as you. No one understands our addiction completely unless they've been there. Everyone on this site has been there. Read the blogs, post blogs, and let us get to know you. The more involved you get, the more support you'll get. I started smoking when I was 15 also. This is my fourth and I hope my final quit. It feels great to be a non-smoker. If you give yourself a chance, you'll love the millions of benefits.
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I echo Edith, you have to be commited to the quit and find out the reasons you do smoke and replace those triggers with something else. This site is a great way to not only get you started, but to help hold you accountable to stay on track. Good luck and hang in there.
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thanks for your thoughts. I am working on that
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I quit8 days agao nd blew it right back on track do u want a quit buddie/ sue
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I know you said you have tried everything but does that include Chantix? we have people on the board that have smoked for 20+ years and just...quit.
I have been on it 6 weeks and smoke free for 36 days. It is an AMAZING drug. I have smoked 1-2 packs a day for about 22 years and on my quit date I quit and never looked back urges and mood swings are minimal and even without health insurance the perscription costs less than a smoking habit. If you call your local health department they may even give it to you for free. Join a smoking support group. Sometime if you get involved in a study they will even pay you to participate. They do group support meetings and stuff maybe you just need more personal support
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Dear Debbi,
I know you probably feel all alone in the world right now but trust me, there are thousands just like you and ME. I have quit hundreds of times ...all without success. At least you went a few slipped so did great. I believe the only losers are the ones who quit trying. Sooner or later you and I will hit that perfect moment in time to quit for good. One thing I can say that I believe with all my heart is that cigarettes , like the devil, is cunning, powerful, a liar and will attack us at our weakest moments. I try again tomorrow (with the patch )...I just cant see me doing it cold turkey. If I promise to be in close contact with you beginning tomorrow morning....will you write back ?? I hope so. I do believe there is also something BIG about this support dont despair..give it a go and we will stay in touch.

Mike M
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Hey you can do this The previous 2 weeks was practive for your real quit this time. I too have quit many times I am 51 years old and have smoked most of my adult life. I have found this site to be so very helpful we are all in the same boat. You know you can do 2 weeks so you have something to build on. I think it is so important for us to really understand our triggers and be ready for them. No matter how bad I want to smoke in hard situations I just pause and ask myself if a cig really ever helped or if my brain just told me it would Hand in there and come to this site often I really belive it helps I am keeping good thoughts for you God Bless Marie
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