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Give and get support around quitting


I really hope this question is received with my true intent to get reliable information and not an excuse. I am extremely I'll.

I have been unable to hold down food or most liquids for almost 3 months. The doctors are running a lot of tests mostly looking at my endocrine system. They even did several MRIs and CT scan to look for a pituitary tumor. They have tested my thyroid and adrenal gland but the tests have been inconclusive. My doctor said now is not the best time to try to quit smoking because my body is under a lot of stress already and smoking does ease some of the nausea. She said the most important thing is to try to hold down liquids for now. They have put me on liquid suppliments that are like meal replacement also I have IV treatments but I have still lost 37 pounds since July 2 and have begun loosing muscle mass and strength at an alarming rate. Honestly, I think the doctor doesn't know what to look for next even though there is an oncologist and an endocrinologist working with the team. Is it true that now is not a good time to quit without me feeling like a loser for using that as an excuse? I know this is a no excuse support site but honestly ImI so worried about my health I don't know if I can quit smoking right now anyway. Any advice?

21 Respuestas

Oh my goodness. You poor thing! I can't imagine a Dr. telling you not to quit either but nothing surprises me anymore.

Like the others, I'm in the medical field but I'm no Dr. I wouldn't pretend to know anything regarding what they have or haven't done, looked at, thought about. That would silly. But I do know you can not get adequate nutrition through a liquid diet over the long term! And if you are muscle wasting then that is a malnutrition issue - things like protein are so very important! They have ways to help combat that which don't include having to ingest it! I hope you will bring your concerns and point out your observations to your medical team. You may be assuming they just know but in reality they may so focused on finding a cause that they skipped a beat. You need a dietician assigned to you! I also hope your Drs. are wise enough and humble enough (all 3 of them) to know when it's time to look for a specialist! 

I will keep you on my prayer list!




Any time is a good time to quit smoking.  If you want to quit and think it will make you feel better, quit. it is your lungs and your life and you do what you want to do. 


It is true quitting smoking is stressful.  That said there is so much hope once we quit and so much good along the path of the journey.  Do you pray or meditate?  I find yogurt settles my stomach.  I am praying for you.

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Follow medical advice.


Oh my goodness, I can't believe what you are going through.  With nausea and vomiting, I don't know how you are still inhaling on cigarettes.  If you need to and it helps tho, I'd say do it.  You need to be able to put everything into your quit when you stop, and now just isn't the right time.  Jello, soda crackers, chicken and beef broth all help with nausea.

I will be praying for answers from your doctors. Puddings maybe too, start with things that won't upset your stomach.

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If possible , try to cut back a little.  Usually with nausea , it's not too hard to cut back a smidgen. I agree too, wait until you're feeling strong again before quitting. Good luck. You're in my prayers. 



What you're going through sounds awful.  Smoking eases some of the nausea, you say.  Amazing.  Never heard of that.  Usually it's the opposite.  But we're all different.  Unless you're smoking Cannabis, which is known to ease nausea.  Have you stopped for 24 hours, just to see how it affects things?  Just a 24 hour test.  In reality it won't seem that long because a third of that time, hopefully, you're sleeping.  Sometimes when doctors can't figure things out we need to try different things (safely) on our own.

Upon doing a search, I just discovered that nicotine does indeed help with nausea:  Nicotine patch for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: a prospective randomised tri...   So it's the nicotine that helps, but not the smoking of it because of all the added chemicals and of course the inhaling of smoke itself.  Have you thought of the patch or some other NRT?  That might help with nausea without damaging your lungs in the process.

By the way, I would question any quit smoking site that promotes excuses.   

I pray that they soon find out the cause of your physical problems.  You obviously came to this site to quit.  And you obviously understand addictive excuses (otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up.)   You know yourself better than any of us.  We are not going to call you a loser whether you quit or don't.  If YOU feel like you're a loser for not quitting now, then that's something you have to come to terms with yourself.  It is not up to us to give you permission.  This is a question you have to answer.  I'd call it part of the necessary homework we all went through.  In your case it's a bit tougher.  Sending a hug.


OMG. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I pray that they find the cause and help you to recover. I would never say now is not the time. But I’m saying it. Follow medical advise. Cut down for now if you can. Get better then start the quit journey. Your doctors know best. Prayers and hugs for you. We don’t judge here. 

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We haven't heard from you in a while...any improvement?  Are you doing alright?  I certainly hope so.


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it's been a couple of weeks since we've heard from you Del24 I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing.....