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Give and get support around quitting


I quit yesterday June 16

I quit yesterday and haven't had a cigarette yet. The cravings are worse today because I am not staying busy. I have been snacking constantly. But so far I am doing it!
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12 Replies

I cleaned for about twelve hours straight yesterday. That helped.
I think I am hitting the gym today. I'm not sure if it is the Chantix but I am in an extraordinarily
good mood. I'm worried about the weekend because I always go out drinking. But if I have to quit smoking AND go on a diet, I sure as heck ain't giving up drinking. LOL
Keep up the good work Dan.
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Be careful if you are out drinking. Probably 50% of relapses occur
when alcohol is involved.... I'm on day 9, and had a couple of beers
at a Royals game last night. But, it was a no smoking environment, and
outdoors in the fresh air.. Didn't miss running out to the exit ramps for those 3 minute smoke breaks... And the Royals won to boot!

Control your environment, or it will control you! GL..

My name is Keith, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 9 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes and 19 seconds (9 days).

I've not smoked 360 death sticks, and saved $72.07.
I've saved 1 day and 6 hours of my life.
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You're right, Keith. I went to smoke-free bars. Most of them are like that here in TN. Actually when I smell a cigarette, it smells horrible to me. I guess that's a good thing. I survived the weekend and I am on Day 10.
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