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Give and get support around quitting


I need support!

I want a cigarette so bad. This is horrible. Can someone help me?

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49 Respuestas

You're very welcome. These people will get you through the quit if you trust them. We're all in this boat together so if you don't have a life jacket you will have dozens of hands, hearts, and info to pull you to safety. 


Let the urge come....and will go.

read Alan Carr’s Book. easy way to stop smoking.

go for a walk.

do breathing exercises.

read up on nicotine- it helps to know the enemy.

it gets easier —-ist week is particularly rough.

Stay close to this site.



Thanks, I will take your advice. 

0 Kudos

The days are very READ READ READ about what you are contending with....once you understand how nicotine withdrawal works you’ll soon realize that you can deal with the craves...they come and go...seriously download Alan Carr’s book tonight....he helped me to finally decide this is what I want! And to hell with nicotine! It finally helped me decide that this addictive drug will no longer rule my life. I will take my life back! I will no longer give those drug pushers my hard earned money! I quit in the midst of a super stressful work project...and if I can stop then anyone can stop. I decided that my difficult client is not worth dying over by me vaping non-stop. So I found this site....someone here mentioned Alan Carr’s book—I read it over the course of about 3 or 4 days and then my quit went from tenuous to ironclad.  I know it’s early on, but I’m treating each nicotine free day as a major achievement - Do the daily pledge! It helps solidify the process. It becomes a ritual rooted in faith.  This decision will save your life. Best of luck.



Thanks, very helpful!

0 Kudos

Do whatever it  takes  to distract yourself  - food,, a bath, a walk, get through it -  you will be so proud of yourself!


Thank you! I know I can do this!

0 Kudos

It IS hard at the beginning...we are supposed to be learning to deal with our feelings because we stuffed them when we smoked but all we can think about is smoking or rather, NOT smoking.  I remember thinking I was going to lose my mind, I was absolutely committed to not losing my quit, I had decided breathing was more important than smoking.  I asked my husband for advice, he has been sober for almost 35 years and smoke free for almost 30.  I asked him what to do,  I told him I was losing my mind.  I read everything that was recommended, I read blogs, I commented,  I asked for help and I got amazing advice.  My husband told me to get down on my knees and pray for the mental obsession to be removed.  He told me that I might have to do it more than once and that it was seriously important that I get on my knees.  I will admit to not really having much faith in it working but I am so happy to say that I DID feel something lift...I am not sure how many times I did it, it may have been twice but something definitely changed.  I came to this site every morning and every evening when I quit, it's been over 5 1/2 years and I still get here as often as I can.  I owe this site and the people here..BIG TIME.  

Congratulations on your quit, 



I can only tell you what I did. Each time I had the urge to smoke I would literally stop what I was doing and tell myself that smoking was no longer an option for me so I might as well quit dwelling on it. I did this hundreds of times each day. It didn't make the urges any less but I did convince myself that I would never smoke again no matter what happened in my life.