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I need some help

I am going to use the nicotine patch. Has anyone else tried it before and was it a success?
Thank u!
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12 Replies

Hello, I am new here. I quit March 3rd using the patch and gum. I used the patch mainly, but supplemented with gum during my normal high smoke periods, like after work, or after a meal. Last week I tried to miss a day without the patch or gum, but I couldn't function. I spent the morning drooling on my keyboard, so at noon I put on the patch. I started by using the 21mg patch for 3 weeks, then the 14mg patch for 2 weeks. I could not sleep with the patch on. but then, I didn't used to smoke when I was sleeping either. I used about 3 pieces of 2mg gum per day, a couple times I had about 6 pieces of gum. This week without any nicotine, I am somewhat foggy, but am functioning, but it is getting better every day. I wanted to try going without but was prepared to use the NRT rather than smoke. I really feel that the NRT things don't work by themselves. Mind has a lot to do with it. I read Alan Carr's Easyway book, and a couple other techniques to deal with my mind. When I am really craving, I go to my main motivation. I just can't stand to pay for cigarettes any more. As of now I have saved about $250.00 in 46 days of not smoking. Quitting with the patch can work, it does take the edge off. I try not to give the nicodemon as much attention as he demands.
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Thanks for your input. Yep, Im gonna do the patch, cold turkey is too stressful for me.The nicotine gum sounds good combined. Has anyone tried thoe laser treatments? I understand it takes away the cravings but not the associations we have with ciggies.(after meal smokes, the habits we have with smoking). Just curious how that works.
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I tried that too but it didnt help with the habits i had developed. I think most of the time i would light up without even thinking about it because thats when i always had a cigarette. This is the 2nd time i have quit using the patch and so far its been 26 days without. I think the difference is that this time i really was ready. I think the patch takes away some of the nicotine cravings so when ur mind says its time to have a cig u can say no. When I first quit i and i had cravings id go to the mall or the movies or any other place where i wasnt use to smoking and that really helped.
If i can do it anyone can do it.
Good Luck
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Hi there! Yes use the patch. If you read all the info on this site, becomean, you'll learn you will double your chances to stay getting some help. You can also go to your MD and get an Rx for Chantix or Wellbutrin/Zyban.

I highly suggest following the program here. Go thru all the steps to get ready.

I use the patch and Wellbutrin. I also use the Commit lozenge if I get a bad craving. You don't have to wean yourself off of the patches as quick as manufacturer says. Lower the dose of patch when you feel ready.

It's been close to a month for me, and this works very well.

Good luck to you!
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I'm a new member and I have used the patches before with good result. Kinda helps keep your head on straight for the first few days. I have to remove them at night or it is difficult to sleep. I buy the 21 mg and cut them in half to use (they go a lot further). I have quit before with them and found that there is a weaning off period from them when you need to be careful and diligent. Careful that you don't use them too long would be my advice. I am a believer that the sooner you can get the nicotine completely out of your system the better!
When I am not smoking I find a much better relationship with God. He gives us strength to overcome!
Good luck and blessings,
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Hi Mary, I quit with the patches. I started with the 21mg and followed the program. I would put it on in the morning and remove it when I went to bed. I did not have nightmares but I did have trouble sleeping with the patch on. I used DumDum lollipops as the mouth thing. I have gained about 5lbs eating sugar by the pound, but my health has got to be better with out cigs. Trout is right about YOUR will to quite. I am now on my 5th day without patches and I am convinced that I will make it. 53 days smoke free.
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I agree. This method worked for me. I used the patch for 7 months. Stayed on the 7 mg patch for over two months. I still carry a patch in my wallet. (Just in case.)

I've been an EX for one year and eleven days. Yes, I think about it everyday. Once you stop feeding the demon, it gets easier to never feed it again.

Remember -- One is too many, and a million are not enough.
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Hi Mary, I used the laser. Went for two sessions. It worked for me the day and day after, but after that not at all. Expensive and a total waste of money. It does make you feel good while they are giving you a treatment, but I think the only way it could work is if you have the machine and treated yourself everyday! LOL
I use the patch and lozenge when I have a bad urge. I'm keeping the 21mg patch on for over a month, maybe even two months, depending how I feel...then weaning myself down to the lower level patches. I've quit three times, going thru patches at rate the patch mfg. said and went back to smoking, so I know I personally need to be on them longer.
It's been one month smoke free for me and still a battle...but it has gotten much easier than in the beginning.
I'm not giving up or in this time. I'm determined to breathe free for the rest of my life. I go to the gym a lot and I can do so much more, work out harder and longer because I can breathe better.
I HATE the cigarette companies for making me an addict, draining my finances, ruining my health, etc. I'm going to stay quit forever because they totally piss me off. Haha!
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Thank you for all your replies, they have helped me to think better. I take off the patch before bedtime cuz they give me weird
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