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I need help

It’s day 45. I have been trying to encourage those newer to the quit than I am But now everything is going wrong like I’m being tested. Don’t know if I’m really strong enough any more. Yesterday and today I really can’t handle it   Everyone things I’m fine I should be over this. But it’s coming on hard. I’m crying and depressed and I really miss smoking even though it gave me COPD. But just a few right now seems to hard to pass up. Please help me. I’ve read everything it’s just not working. Only you kind elders understand and I ask for your help. I re-read NML it’s not helping. I know if I go out and just have one who am I kidding 5 I just don’t care Everything is going wrong in my life and I’m sorry but I really miss my evil one. I need help   Please help me 


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38 Replies

crazycatlady21‌ Congratulations on your upcoming first year smoke free.  Like you, I waited too long too...I am not on oxygen 24/7, just at night for now anyways.  I have COPD, emphysema was so bad in my upper lobes that I had them surgically removed so that the less diseased lower lobes could move up.  I HATE the oxygen concentrator, the noise, the lines it leaves on my face...the fact that I NEED it.  Smoking really does do nothing FOR us but it sure does a lot TO us whether we are paying attention or not. Barb102  I so hope that you are listening and hearing all of the people who care about you and want to help.  Don't romance smoking...there is nothing good about it, don't ask those who love you to watch you commit suicide...PLEASE value yourself, asking for help INSTEAD of smoking takes courage and commitment and shows that you really want to be BE FREE!




Barb102‌, I'm a new quit, only day 6, but I wanted to say that I'm rooting for you. I have two previous quits that never made it to day 45. You have so much to be proud of in getting there! I pray my journey will take me as far as yours has.

You have a beautiful granddaughter. The grandmother-granddaughter relationship is truly special. My 17 year-old daughter has it with my mother-in-law. They are so close and enjoy spending time together. I remember a children's sermon when my daughter was 3. The pastor asked, "Who loves you most?"  All the kids answered "Mommy and Daddy." Then he asked, "Who loves you BEST?"  The answer was supposed to be God. My child yelled, "Grandmom!" 

But she's right. Her mom and dad love her most, but her Grandmom loves her best: with the full attention only a retired person has, with absolutely no conditions or expectations. I wish you that kind of love and happiness with your granddaughter. Maybe that's what you can hold on to in these hard times . . . a future of loving this child better than anyone.




Wonderful advice above from Elders and newbies....hugs and prayers your way. We all struggled...part of the healing, but makes it no easier to hear that, I know. But we are here for you.



I posted something to my blog. I don’t know where to find it but I hope you all can. Thanks for helping me. I’m glad I wasn’t ashamed to ask for it. You saved me


The days just seem to disappear onme...the time change hasn't help that...I am PRAYING THIS FINES YOU DOING BETTER.... TAKING IT 1 STEP AT A TIME....I think, we will all have plenty of pitfalls to avoid in the future.....Just have to stick together,ask for help, march forward into FREEDOM forever zone!!!!!    prairie35dof

Dear Barb, I'm so sorry I didn't see your message back when you wrote! And sorry to hear that you are/we're going through such a rough time. I truly hope you were able to stick to not smoking, because our "bad friend" is no friend. After my husband died, 2 1/2 years ago, after a lengthy ordeal with lung cancer, And one of my 4 kids stopped talking to me then also, I was still a smoker and just really didn't care...until 8 months later when pneumonia on top of my COPD almost killed me. At the time I thought, I just don't care anymore. My 3 kids that still we're talking to me all lived far away. I felt so alone and helpless. And I renremem thinking, I'll just smoke myself to death. Well, it doesn't work that way. The results of years and years of smoking lead to a slow kind of death that robbed me of the health I had hoped to still have in my retirement years. So I take it one day at a time and hope for the best. I got through most of the horibhor depression, with a lot of help from some wonderful people, people that I hadn't even realized we're caring friends! There are more people out there that care about you than you might think! Ask for help. I know it's hard, but most people are more than willing to help you. 

If you did start smoking again, I hope you will try again to quit. It's so very worth it, and so are you! Hugs (((  )))

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She is still here soon to celebrate a year in 60 days.

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"I don't know if I'm strong enough."

Strength isn't required. Keep a clear head.

Life isn't great when you wheeze 'til your dead.

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