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Give and get support around quitting


I need help

It’s day 45. I have been trying to encourage those newer to the quit than I am But now everything is going wrong like I’m being tested. Don’t know if I’m really strong enough any more. Yesterday and today I really can’t handle it   Everyone things I’m fine I should be over this. But it’s coming on hard. I’m crying and depressed and I really miss smoking even though it gave me COPD. But just a few right now seems to hard to pass up. Please help me. I’ve read everything it’s just not working. Only you kind elders understand and I ask for your help. I re-read NML it’s not helping. I know if I go out and just have one who am I kidding 5 I just don’t care Everything is going wrong in my life and I’m sorry but I really miss my evil one. I need help   Please help me 


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38 Replies

     Missing the smokes early on is not uncommon. Having a bad day and feeling sorry about ever having quit in the first place is not uncommon either. It takes a little bit of time to unhook from butts, but as long as you do not smoke, your mind will get to a place where the cigarettes do not matter--the fixation and addiction end and go dormant. Get through whatever down you are in now. I had a few cigarettes are my friends days when I quit--and I really believed it. I felt punished to carry on without them. Made it out, thank God. I'm not pushing myself stay smober these days, but that's what I had to do to get past the fixation--that and I had to run to comedy, take a walk, buy a candy youtube quit stories---anything to get through it.

    The sweet end of the deal does keep growing your smobriety.


It sounds as if you need to get away, from it all.  The thinking about smoking, wanting a smoke gosh it goes on and on. I know the feeling.  We have all been through it.  Congratulations on 45 days.  It is good that you are here asking for help. Sometimes we get to a point in our quit that we have to do something different.  If you sit down mostly start standing up.  Move, if you are inside, go outside. If you are tired get some rest. The main thing to have in your mind that no matter what you are going through is no reason to smoke. You are bigger than a cigarette.  If you really want to get over the addiction you will go through whatever is necessary No matter What.  Breathe. Tell your mind it is okay NOPE  Scream, I am not going to smoke!  Hell NO!  I will not!  Tell the thoughts they are wasting their time that they can go to hell somewhere else because you will not be moved. 


Hey Barb.  I read everything the Elders have said and I trust that they know exactly where you are as do I.  I'm there with you.  Hang in there and continue walking with me.  Our journeys are taking us to NML.  We can walk together and express what we are feeling together.  I get it and so do others  Keep the faith and know you did it this far, which is why you can take this all the way.  Hang tight and you can PM me if you need more support.  Sending hugs your way.



Barb102   ((((((Hugs)))))

I feel similar to what your expressing in your Courageous Reach Out For Support."   Yeah!!! 
Im so glad you reached out.  It takes bravery to write that.!! 
I have moderate COPD, and wheeze.  When I feel better I start smoking again.  It' feels like I don't matter anyway...
But, I do matter,   Barb102  Matters so much too!!!

My quality of life keeps shrinking,   soon I wont be able to play with grand kids and great grand babies that Hubby and I have (extended family).   I love walking my dogs, Love the Zoo my fav.    

My family needs us to be healthy Barb102.   We are the glue for our families even though it may feel thankless.  Barb102  Please dont give up cry your head off, shake it off, seek medical attention with your Doc, if the blues don't stop.  You have so got this!!  HOPE.  Yu have some, HOPE, or you wouldn't have written this.    I'll send you my #  I care very much.

You are a Champion!!

prayers being sent your way,



Write it on your hand.  You have it!!



Barb----you're just having what is commonly know as "some really bad days." DON'T WORRY! We have all had can survive. Everyone is needed in this don't ever think that. God didn't make ny extra people. Each of us has a place here and a job to do. Right now....yours is to quit smoking and get as healthy as you can. Quitting won't cure your COPD....but it sure will help to keep it from getting worse faster.

And---not to be blunt but you don't die quickly from smoking....not usually anyway. It's a slow, not very pleasant way to stay....quit and fight.

Your new grand daughter needs her grandma.

Stay Strong.


"God didn't make any extra people."

LOVE this!


I have a butt

You won't catch

Me smokin it.


Thank you all so much. Such an out pouring of love and concern. It meant a lot to me I’m on the 14 mg patch today. Maybe it takes time. I’m glad I asked for help from the right people the ones who get it. I’m better now thanks to all of you!!  Thank you. 


HANG TOUGH, AS I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! You are so supportive of all the others here on our site.

So give yourself the same encouragement ... Change the routine, do whatever it takes, to hang in there with us...I need you, my friend........I'm thinking of the 3 days in the SUV with a smoker, as Sticking my head in a dragon's mouth.... and not expecting the dragon to fry me!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I'm placing alot of faith in all I've learned here, the support, encouragement and having my back...As well as, a tons of Prayers to haul my ass through those days...No matter what! Think I am not scared????? I am terrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!I DO NOT WANT TO RETURN TO DAY 1 and redo a single one of those days....All of them brought their issues to plow through,go around,crawl over...whatever it took!!!!!Please,please hang in there with ME!!! Prairie 26 DOF

Hi Barb, I really do know how hard it is! But I am hoping you'll stick with being smoke free. I too have COPD, after smoking for 45+yrs, and I'm 10 days away from my one year mark of quitting. Unfortunately, for me, I waited too long before quitting. Last March i spent 10 days in the hospital with pneumonia that almost killed me, followed by 12 days recouperation at a friend's house. I'm now on oxygen 24 hours a day. It needs to go everywhere I do...even in the shower. I never thought I'd be "that lady" with the oxygen tank, but I am. I don't want you to be like me! Please don't start smoking again! You're worth it not to! Don't let the cigarettes win! It doesn't matter what other people think, smoking is an addiction and most of us will probably always feel some need, large or small, to smoke. If I didn't know for sure that it would make things worse, I'd light up tonight! But I DO know better. Like will forever be throwing us curves, but your health is worth so much more than the few minutes of release you Might get from smoking. I know you must be a wonderful person or you wouldn't have reached out. You deserve to be healthier than what smoking again would do to you! And if you already did slip up, it's not too late! Get rid of those cigarettes and join the smoke free world again! I know many people think that using the nicotine gum for so long is bad, but i still do use it when I get a bad urge and it Must be better than smoking! Good luck dear!