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Give and get support around quitting


I need encouragement

My quit date is set for April 6th. The closer it gets the more scared I get. I have been taking Chantix for 3 days. I called the support line and they said that it is normal to have intense cravings the first week, but I should be cutting down this week before my quit date. It seems like the more I try to cut down, the more I want to smoke. It seems like that is all I think about all day long. I DO want to quit. I know my "scared" feelings are not going to kill me, but it sure feels like they will.
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6 Replies

Hi Pat. I was very scared too. I tried not to think about it to much but it was there. It is a scary move in your life to quit.
I am on 19 days of not smoking after 43 years of this crap. It is hard and it will be hard but look at the life you are saving. My sister is slowly dying from this horrible demon we let into our lives. I refuse to die smothering to death.
Oh my God it is hard! But with the help here and God's blessing you can do it!
I have a link to hypnosis online for stopping smoking if you would like them or I can send the to you via email or mail them to you, privatley of course.
Hang in ther sweetie. I will be here for you!
God Bless,
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Pat... I read what ( Connie ) wrote and I say a big AMEN to it! I know the scared feelings that have come with my former quits... But this time was different for me.. I quit cold turkey and I did not have a plan or a date.. I quit during a stressful time... I quit because I was angry.. Smoking a cigarette was not calming my nerves or making things better, in fact it was making things worse cause... it was slowly killing me..... I was sick of being sick! As Connie said.. The key to success is changing your mindset... After over 40 years of being held captive... I set myself FREE.. I said NO! I will no longer do this... I have to say I was amazed how easy it really was..Yes, I had urges and still do, but that is all they are.. The urge to smoke will pass you smoke or not... So,,,, don't smoke.. deep breathe through the urge ...( they pass with in minutes) Yes they will probably come back within minutes but just don't give in to the urge.. Eventually your mind and heart will agree and you will become stronger to saying No... Denying yourself isn't always easy.. but we do it everyday in different areas of our life.. No ...I will not have a second piece of cake... or , Yes I will go to the gym even though I don't want to.. You CAN do this Pat.. Don't make quitting a negative thing in your mind..Make it a positive thing... You don't have to be a prisoner any longer... Set yourself free.. We are all here for you cheering you on.. God Bless!
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I used Chantix and did great - I am not saying it is easy but is is so worth it....u will do just fine just come here and read and post and spit sunflower seeds - that is my motto now:)
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All of us were scared when we quit. There's alot of feelings involved with quitting. There's fear mainly. But once you get some time behind you, you'll feel great joy like you never felt in years. The first part of a quit sucks. But whether you know it or not, you do have the ability to get through it.
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When I started Chantix I didnt pick a quit date. I decided I was gonna smoke till I decided I was done.I took alot of advice from this site about seperation. That really helped when I did quit. About 2 wks into it I realized I was smoking alot less and not really getting any satisfaction from the cig..Finally I quit. I still think about smoking but it passes. I have been around other people smoking and I cant believe how bad they smell. Try chewing gum, sucking on a lollypop. When you get up from sleeping have a glass of water( I had the same prob.), you have to make new habits,healthy ones to replace the bad one. Its only been two wks. for me, I promise it does get easier. You can do it!! 🙂
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Please send me the link to hypnosis online. I am strong at this momemt, as you know it's like a roller coaster ride. Up one minute, down the next. I want all the material I can get my hands on for all the down times. Thanks!
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