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Give and get support around quitting


I messed up BAD!! 😭

Today would've been five months for me, but last week I was so stressed out because of everything and by the weekend I was ready to smoke a cigarette. Every interview I've had hasn't worked out and I'm so frustrated with my situation and not having a car or income. My dad had already started smoking again after a short time of quitting and I have been so glad that I have been able to stick with my quit through everything. I had my mom get me a pack of cigarettes yesterday and I've been smoking. I feel like a failure and I have to do it all over again. I know if I would've kept coming here everyday I wouldn't have done it. This is what helped me most. Now I have to pick another quit date and do it better this time. I don't want to be a smoker anymore! I had an interview yesterday that I think I have the best chance at getting and I got a sign recently that I know came from Pap telling me that good things were coming and I still screwed up so bad. I love you guys and you've helped me so much and I know that you'll help me again. 

22 Respuestas

I had my mom pick me up a pack of cigarettes

When I was young, I sometimes treated my mother as if she alive to do for me. She was not. Eventually I grew up and I know today she would be happy for me to see that I learned to handle my feelings on my own. Little did I know that by quitting I'd be learning so much more than how not to smoke.

I'm so glad you are back and wanting to get back what you had. Stress doesn't cause smoking, but you know that. You can get past this one day at a time.


One day at a time, stay close to the site and know that you are NOT alone.  This can be an uncomfortable journey sometimes but it does get easier and smoking NEVER fixed anything.  

We are here and we are not judging you...keep quitting.



You have five months under your belt!  You messed up it’s okay get back in that 5 months right away and it won’t be so bad!  You know you can do it!  Thinking of you!


I would have been more concerned if you had said " I messed up good", lol.

Glad you're back. Don't beat yourself up,....had I done that for all the  times I 'messed up', I would be a goner.

Instead determine exactly what you can do differently next time and saddle up and one on. No rear view mirrors, okay? We just gonna move forward


Hey... I blew a 887 day quit..    I know how you feel.  Reading your post was a blessing to me today.  I am back at 40 days quit after on and off for almost a  year.  I have been beating myself up EVERY SINGLE day since i relapsed.  Reading your post sounds so much like how I have felt.  I also got away from the Q which was my first mistake.. Now I have to get over it and just know s**t happens and get on with it.  The nico demon is powerful when we feel the most vulnerable.  Not one single one of my never smoked friends thinks smoking will help them with stress and in fact makes it worse.  I am glad  you are back and appreciate your honesty.  You can do this... we can do this..   

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Do you think you might be able to throw the cigarettes away now .. take your power back .... nothing to feel bad about , that won't help you . You've recognized what needs to be changed , I'd love it if you would throw them away ... might you have that strength ? I think it's in you ... it will empower you again .... let's just keep on going .. post , do not smoke .. we are here for you . 


What happened ? Not much loss as far as you are ready to go through quitting project once again.

Remember this is project in itself, and once you start, no look back. 

You must remember NOPE... it is the key of success in this project.

Keep connected to this group, very helpful people around, and importantly they had gone through similar situations earlier.

All the best !


Welcome back RevTerrie‌ !

We haven't met before. I'm a transfer from Quitnet. I lost a 4 month quit with relapse and it was so hard to start back at Day @1.

Am I was ashamed, disappointed in myself, and afraid I didn't have it in me to do another quit. After approx. a week of smoking, I happily returned to my non-smoking self. Yes, quitting--and staying quit--is challenging but I feel so much better about myself when I'm not smoking.

I hope you will set your new quit date soon and keep us posted. We are here to help each other~

Hey Fam, as many times that I slipped, I have to get back up, like they say, "keep coming back"


You can do it!  My quit date is 2/26/2020.  I'm right behind you.  I already have deep respect for you having quit 5 months.  THAT is amazing!  You are a rock star in my eyes....