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I made it to ONE year!!!

Dear friends,

I made it! This has been a very interesting year for me. In 1984 I quit smoking for 12 years and made the huge mistake of believing I could have recreational smokes here and there. Well, the "there" caught up with me and I began smoking again in 1996. The subsequent 11 years were filled with regret, bitter, bitter regret and worry. I tried everything...Laser treatments, nic inhalers, patches, nic gum, nic micro tabs, Welbutrin, hypnosis and probably a few things I can't even remember right now. I finally tried Chantix and miracle of miracles, it worked!

With Chantix I had a minimum of minor side effects and actually loved the wonderful colorful dreams I had... but more than anything I loved the fact that it took away my enjoyment of cigarettes. Even now, I get nauseated at the thought of smoking, still!

Now I have time to think about the rest of my healthy life in a whole new way. I also know that I CAN NEVER SMOKE AGAIN... not ever. That was a hard learned lesson after being stuck in another addiction for 11 more years.

The last year I smoked I had pneumonia three times. This year I have not had it once! I now no longer believe that I'll be destined for a future of COPD or worse. I've returned to healthy living, added homeopathics to my daily routine and feel so MUCH better than I have in years!!!

I'm here on BecomeAnEx to share and support. This is a great community of quitters and helpers. Thanks for YOUR support of the final weeks leading up to my ONE year anniversary. It means so much to me. I wish this for all of you who are either beginning your journey or are well within reaching the same milestone. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
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18 Replies

FANTASTIC... I also feel like a big WINNER! Ever doubting myself... no more. I can do anything! Seriously... this is one of those feelings that is priceless. Glad you're joining me!
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Thanks for thinking of us and sharing. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this too.
I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 13 hours, 45 minutes and 53 seconds (23 days). I have saved $117.86 by not smoking 471 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 15 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 9/11/2008 12:00 AM
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1 year how awesome!!!!
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1 year how awesome!!!!
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Wow Christine what a great and inspirtational message to all of us. Congratualtions on your one year celebration. Just listening to your hope about your health gives me hope. I no longer have to borrow my child's inhaler (because I was too embarassed to go to the doctor for myself). Thank you for believing in us and yes we can do it one day at a time!!!! Have a wonderful start to your second year!!!! Many blessings!!!! Cindy
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What good people each of you are! Thanks for the great well wishes! Keep up the great work, too!
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Very excellent... and thanks!
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CONGRATS TO YOU! I just quit, only three days ago and I'm already feeling better. I can only imagine how great you feel. Congrats again and can't wait to celebrate my one year anniversary while you hit dos anos!
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You're on your way!!! Good job! It really IS wonderful! yay for us!
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