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Give and get support around quitting


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And I'm just saying hello! Haven't quit yet, I guess I need to track my smoking and what triggers it. Also I probably need to check into some meds to help. I have tried the patch before and it helped, maybe I will give them another try. Anyhow, just wanted to say hi to everyone.
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12 Replies

You will make it too if you put your mind to it. I read Allen Carr's book How to quit smoking the Easy Way. It was a real eye opener and helped me so much. If you can, try to pick up a copy. It will change your whole outlook on cigarettes and quitting. I'm also using Chantix to help with the quit. It is really helping me too. Good luck. Use the tracker, find your triggers and start separating. You'll know when the time is right to set your quit date.
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Welcome Amy! You will find lots of help and support on this site. Just let me know if I can help in any way. I'm on day 9 right now and I feel GREAT!!!!
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I just joined today and my quit date is Sept. 30. I will pick up the Book by Allen Carr. I tried patches, maybe I should see the doctor about other prescribed med.
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I envy you. I bet you're gonna make it for sure.
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I am in the same place as you. I just joined today. My quit date is Sept. 30. I have tried before and it hasn't work. I will need lots of support.

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I have joined and am already starting to track. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT! LOL I know I need to decide what aid could work for me. I've kinda heard scary things about Chantix and you never know what is true and what isn't but not sure if I want to try that. I doubt cold turkey will work for me, but then it might. I have used the patch and it helped. I know that the first step is you have to really make up your mind that you're going to quit, or nothing will work.
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I can't wait to get started..........or stopped. 😃
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Come on and put that patch on again!!! I think I failed before because I would think I could stop the patch and I wasn't ready- this time, I am wearing one the entire 8 weeks,
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we will be with you all the way and you will be surprised how fast time can fly. do what ever you have to to make this work peace!
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