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Give and get support around quitting


I'm new. What's the best way to use this site to help me cut down on my smoking?

I see there's a bunch of stuff on the site - i added triggers. Now what? What do I do? I'm smoking my last carton right now before I start quitting Sunday.


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30 Respuestas

Glad to hear that.  Read the book, stay close to the site, pay attention to what is working for others, it will work for you too.  Welcome back.


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Alrighty. Welcome back. 

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You've got the best advice and links above me so I really can't add anything other than to welcome you to the site, be sure to read the links because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb and start living a life of Freedom......

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Tons of good advice above so no need for me to repeat it.  I highly encourage you to read, reAD, READ all around this site.  Stay close, get educated about addiction, and stay active in our community.  Most successful quitters here acknowledge these simple activities as key.

You CAN do this!  We're here for you when you need us!

Be well.  Be happy.  Be FREE!

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Welcome to EX, we are glad to have you here.  I identified my triggers and planned for what to do instead of smoking, I read everything I could about addiction, this IS addiction and it will lie to you.  This is one day at a time, one hour or minute at a time when a day seems too long.  It is a journey and not an event.  No crave will last for more than a few minutes and no crave ever killed anyone, can't say the same thing about smoking.  When you smoke now and you know what your trigger is, be HONEST with yourself, did something really get better?  Smoking doe not take away pain, stress, anger, or might distract you for a while, a very SHORT while and, in the meantime, it is ravaging your lungs and other organs.  Smoking is a horrible addiction, quitting is the best thing I ever did for myself.  I have over three years now and I do not regret one minute of being quit.



Welcome.  DEFINITELY READ ALAN CARR'S BOOK mentioned above.  Start reading immediately.  Also, I downloaded an app on my phone called "Easy Quit" (it's an icon of a green person kicking a cigarette in half), and I really like using it.  Just know that depression, anger, anxiety are all normal and part of the quit.  You have to do it minute by minute.  Please trust me when I say IT DOES GET EASIER!!!  That I can promise you.  So glad you came to this site.  This is the place where you can bitch, cry, scream, celebrate and always feel supported and never judged.  Welcome, welcome, welcome!


Welcome STAY ON THIS SITE AND BLOG BLOG BLOG BEFORE YOU TAKE THAT FIRST PUFF OVER YOU . EVERYDAY ask questions, telling all your thoughts of using nicotine and blog FIRST before you USE! Drink plenty water,eat oranges, lots of them and apples celery and applesauce with cinnamon. FYI I chewed lots I of double bubble also I was here EVERYDAY BLOGGING and READING FOR THE FIRST 90 days! PLEASE TALKING ABOUT ME.... TAKE WHAT HELPS AND LET GO OF THE REST... please know I am very proud of you and your courage to ask for help and most of all for you LOVING you and your honesty and willingness to NOT USE NICOTINE in Jesus name amen...that's MY prayer for you and please REMEMBER NOT ONE PUFF OVER YOU! Big hug and keep on keeping on YOU WILL DO IT AND TOGETHER WE WILL STAY QUIT NO MATTER WHAT in Jesus name amen

The best way to use this site? Read, blog, join groups, make friends. Take what you find useful and leave the rest - to be helpful is our only goal! We will challenge Addictive thinking so that you can hopefully see the Nico-Lie! Don't get offended! We 100% want you to succeed!


5AlarmFire‌ Once you have identified those triggers...which you have already done, rate them on a scale of one to five with five being the, PLAN for what you will do INSTEAD of smoking when those triggers occur, believe me, they WILL occur.  Plan jumping jacks, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, biting into a lemon, rind and all, calling a friend. coming to EX and blogging, READ blogs, read how OTHERS got through their craves.  Read Allen Carr's book but don't expect it to really be easy unless you are an incredibly lucky person.  I did not find quitting easy but I DID find it to be DOABLE, POSSIBLE,  Make an unbreakable promise to yourself that if you have a crave, you will ask yourself what smoking a cigarette will do to change whatever you are feeling.  Will it REALLY relieve pain?  Will it REALLY take away stress?  Will it REALLY take away anger?  Will it REALLY make you less sad?  Will it REALLY make ANYTHING BETTER?????  I asked and my answers were ALWAYS NO.  All that smoking could do was to make me feel like a failure, make me sadder, not happier, make me more stressed about how I was going to start over again after telling everyone that I failed AGAIN.  Smoking does nothing FOR you but I am living proof of at least some of the things it can do TO you and believe me, none of them are good.

You CAN do this, you have to be willing to deal with whatever your addiction throws your way and know that you do not have to smoke, no matter what.  Make NOPE your mantra, Not One Puff Ever.  You are WORTH it, you are WORTH beating this addiction, one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time...whatever it takes!  We are here to help you and we want to help you, please LET us.



welcome glad you are here.jpg Hi you came to the right place !

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