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Give and get support around quitting


I'm just not ready

I thought I was ready to quit...but I'm not. The weight gain element is more than I can handle. 5bls and I will fall into depression, leave my husband, and probably shoot myself from my misery. I have no intetnions of spending my every waking moment worried about what I eat and how much I excercise. It's not worth it.

So I bid you all farewell...until I'm ready to be fat and happy.

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1 Reply

I am brand new. My quit date is wednseday and today is Monday. I enjoy smoking. I am trying to cut back and I am  snacking a lot more. This is before I even quit. What is going to happen when I actually quit? My husband was diagnosed w/ COPD so I really don't have much choice.This brings in some resentment. Like the choice to quit is really not my choice. Well,anyway I thank you for letting me vent and good luck to you. Brenda

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