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Dreams with the Patch

Please help me and keep me sane while quitting. I would like to know your craziest dream on the patch. thus far mine was last night ... my boss was chasing me on a  4 wheeler for some reason. he jumped over a 12 story tall building and I ran in a building to hide. I hid under a fan and some stuffed animals but he never found me lol... what was yours.

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8 Replies

lol hiding under stuffed, I heard you can have vivid dreams while using patches maybee you shouls take it off a few hours before bed time.  Hang in there and take one day at a time!

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lol.. yes stuffed animals but crazy thing is I have not put on the patch in about 4 days but i guess it still works lol

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A few days ago I actually had a really weird dream when I kept my patch on at night. I was taking a nap and I woke up in my dream because a friend from my high school was visiting my college roommate. They were both sitting on my bed and I had to kick them off my bed to continue my nap. I wake up (again in my dream) to other friends from high school banging on the door. This time I have no idea what room I'm in and after they leave, I start passing out from confusion, so my RA comes to bring me to the hospital. At this point, I'm lucid dreaming and I ask her if it's real life or a dream and she tells me it's real, so I touch her arm and I swear I could actually feel her skin. Then we get to the hospital and we're in the waiting room, so I take out my phone to fall my friend that I'm going to miss our math quiz. I got my passcode wrong too many times so it's counting down to zero and once it reaches zero, my alarm goes off in real life and I woke up (in actual real life) feeling incredibly confused and hysterical.
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I started taking my patch off at night. My dreams were way to wild for me. They all seemed so real I would wake up screaming or crying not knowing what I way doing. 

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Well mine was more like a fantacy. I was laying next to My boyfriend and I closed My eyes and the next thing I knew. My fantacy came to light. I was bouncing from wall to wall and was going up side down. I was sliding from one wall to the next. And all of that went on for about two hours and when if was over I Got up and there was a knock at the door.
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Wow I'm glad I am not alone. The dreams are so crazy. It's funny how the mind works when you are not smoking. I wonder if we were having these dreams all along but just never remembered them. I had to start taking mine off at night too. I said I have 4 kids I have enough excitement in my life during the day. But I will say I thought my dreams were funny... Bouncing off walls and kicking people from high school off the bed wow. Good luck all I love these stories
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I had two in one night. The first I was being chased by a serial killer/rapist. captured and tortured ! the second I met a very hot dentinst floating on a river and got to sleep with him right away on a raft and we fell in love and got married. I decided to stop sleeping with the patch on now.

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I did not realize the patch or nicotine withdrawal would cause these. I too have had couple weird dreams. But prior to patch I periodrodicaly have weird dreams so I didn't relate it to patch.
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