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Give and get support around quitting


I'm frustrated and worried

Hello, I'm 27, been smoking a pack everyday for almost three years. I stopped once before around 23 for two years but sadly picked it back up over something stupid.

I Signed up today. I left my cigarettes at home by accident on the way to work this morning. I freaked out and yelled in my car, I was driving reckless to get to a gas station. Upon driving up to the store, I oddly had a sudden urge to just pass by the store and quit right now.. Go into work and just rough it out going forward. So I did, which felt great and awful all at once because I felt like I wouldn't last deep down. Once into work, I found this website, signed up, and took the advice on planning a date. November 25th. (Mostly because i'm already breaking down and want one, I still feel unable to harness the discipline I once had.)

My issue is, I don't know how I quit before, cigarettes have completely tarnished my self discipline and thrown me into depression. When I quit at 23 I had a go get'm attitude about life, I really excelled for a while, quit cigs with a girl, moved away her for two years. She broke things off with me, I moved back, got a dream job and met another girl. She was nearly ten years older than me and she smoked cigarettes. I started to look cool to her, now i'm about to turn 27. I've smoked for almost as long as I did from 19-23. I managed to kick an addiction of Adderall so I could quit smoking and quit pornography. I just cant seem to find the leap.

I'm worried I wont get it back, my addictions will stack up, I'll lose even more motivation in life and i'll be stuck with not enough energy to get out of this hole. I don't know if anyone else has a similar story? Knows someone that does? My depression runs deep and I think cutting the addictions I have is my only chance of saving my self discipline and feeling like I should have a purpose. Sorry for the emotional spew, I'm tired of relapsing. 

14 Respuestas

Good to hear from you jobecause! Hang in there.

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CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to quit smoking and to begin LIVING.  You are young enough so that it is very unlikely that you will suffer consequences like many of us have.  Addiction to ANYTHING is rough, recovery is a journey and not an event.  Both of those things you know because of your other experiences.  You CAN do this and you are already getting much of the support that you will need.  Remember that we are here and you do not have to do this alone.  Start looking forward to the 25th...make that plan.  I tracked cigarettes to identify my triggers and to plan what to do INSTEAD of smoking when they occurred, I knew they would occur.  I had more than one failed quit in the past and the difference this time was this site and my declining health.  I knew that no crave had ever killed anyone but that no one could HONESTLY say that about smoking.

Welcome to EX,



I feel the love and thank you for taking your time to reply, I read all the comments and I was surprised so many answered. Thank you for the positive words addressing my age and health. 


You are so welcome and had I quit when I was your age, I would be healthy now...stay close.


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Hello and Welcome to Ex’s jobecause 

You have received some great advice above sure to do the work...and keep close to here for sure to rid all smoking paraphernalia the night before your quit date...this is not an easy journey, but it is takes one step at a time...we are here for you...~ Colleen 336 DOF 

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