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Give and get support around quitting


I'm Getting Ready!

My name i Rick and I am a smoker. I am going to quit but just wanted all of you to know (you're now a part of my support group). You may be hearing more from me as the days go by.....any encouragement and helpful tips will be greatly appreciated and most welcome! If you're a Florida native, I started a Florida Natives group.
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7 Respuestas

Hi Rick,

Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. Hurray for U!! This is something you certainly can do! Be patient with yourself. It is probably the No. 1 Best thing you can do for yourself too.

Keep posted about your Quit Date and all. Being among other quitters, although we all may be at different points in the process of quitting, and talking it through, are a major pluses ++ toward success.

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Welcome Rick,

You will certainly get plenty of support here. Best of luck in your quit!
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Hey Rick, Welcome to the site. Your gonna find a lot of great people here. I've been on almost 2 weeks and my quit date is Thursday. Work the plan. Has made me feel much more confident. The whole seperation thing is huge. We will do this!
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i got your back brotha....
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Welcome. Post often........ you can do this!
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Hi Rick, like you I am a smoker and have just started this program. It's scary but exciting too - I can't wait to get this monkey off my back, and this program feels really positive. My quit date is going to be my birthday in August.....I wish us all luck
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Hi Rick!! Way to go on your decision to stop smoking!! There is a lot of information here that can help you, right along with typing fingers to give you support!! Keep on posting and let us know when you plan to quit -- someone will be here for you!! Keep on keeping on!!!
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