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Give and get support around quitting


I love become an ex so far...But I need someone to talk to now....

I haven't smoked for over an hour and already I don't feel the numbness in my feet. and pinkies...I am so scared because I saw a commercial where a woman had over 20 amputations...She said she was in pain so bad that she had to go to the emergency room....I have been in that type of pain and I know I shouldn't diagnose my self but I believe that I already have nerve damage and I am scared that as soon as i see my doctor I'll be getting an appointment for amputation...I've been thinking about this for a month and it has made me so depressed that I'm afraid to leave my house..have contemplated suicide..and has made me chain smoke....I feel like a worthless human being and if I have no self control then what good am I..? Thank God my fiancee bought me a larger monitor today it's beautiful...I would have never googled this site...So if anyone is out there I really need some friends right now cuz more than anything cuz I believe that when a person has hope..and happiness the body heals itself...I can't imagine having an amputation done...Joe
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12 Respuestas


I just signed up with 'Become Ex' on today. I know how the mind can play mean old dirty nasty tricks on your psyche. The best comfort for you is an appointment with your family doctor as soon as possible. However, there are other health conditions which may attribute to the leg numbness which you are experiencing. It would be best for peace of mind to have the symptoms medically checked. and also PRAYERS....Vivie
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Joey, everyone is right for you to see your doctor. The biggest fear is not knowing and once you do you could possibly relax. Don't know because I am not a doctor. Even with the bad things we hear on our local news there are people out there who do care. Weather they may be family, friends or strangers, like me. I have felt worthless before and still do from time to time. But that is because I let someone else do it to me. I say the heck with that person. But the funny thing the person is still in my life and that is ok. I wish you the best
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Hi Joey,I am also new to this site and I think it is wonderful. I have smoked for 30 yrs and can't even imagine the damage I have done to myself, but now I am on a new path and already feeling better mentally, when I quit hopefully the physical health will improve Stay on and get involved in discussions, it keeps your mind occupied, you will see that you are never alone, don't be afraid to see your doctor either, they are so supportive these days with help for quiting. Hang in there 🙂
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Hi there,
I'm sorry for what you're feeling. I have been smoking for about a year and a half now, and I am going to quit on May 2nd.
Try not to think of things like that. Remember that your body will heal the damage that is done through smoking over time. So the longer you go without smoking, the better.
Trust me, I'm also scared of cancer and emphysema and all those things that can happen because of smoking. But I am also looking forward to quitting. Think about how great life will be when you don't smoke. You'll make it, don't worry.
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Hi Joey,
"I Am An EX" now and have been so over an year. I have both my feet in fact I walk better now. So don't believe those horror stories. You will be a fine and energetic girl in no time. It sure heals the body. Best feeling is that you were able to give up one of your worst wises.
Take care!
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i am with yu---i smoked my last one this morning about 7:00---i put on a patch---and so far, so good----i want to take off this patch and go cold turkey, but i know if i take it off, its srtaight to the store to buy some----so i'm gonna hold out as long as i can and go to bed early and get up tomorrow and put on another patch-----so if you hang, i'll hang with you ok
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Good luck Bonnie,
Do what ever you feel like to stay off the smokes. After third day you will be a king! I Am An EX! come soon and join our group to help others!
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hi Joey! i'm so proud that you've reached out!

first of all, great job on the the first hour!

second... physical numbness can be anything! i have a numb pinky from the way i lean on my elbow when i'm on the computer... amputation was never mentioned as an option!!! not even surgery!! have actually never heard of such an extreme measure... but totally understand the fear of that option!!

third, I can totally relate to all kinds of fear, guilt and depression that come with smoking. and know that avoiding an issue can often feel so much less scary to handle and smoking can also ease those feelings.

But now, i truly believe that it's all part of the tricks of addiction, it's absolutely not your fault! and it can, and will, go away! it's a difficult cycle to get control of... you feel depressed, even suicidal, so why would it matter if you smoked?
but the addiction creates and feeds into those thoughts! i've felt it so many times!

i quit 2 weeks ago, so i'm no expert, but already think differently than i have for the past 15 years!
the guilt is gone, i feel strong and in control. i can't erase what i have done, but it's ok because i've made a fresh start!
i feel so much better and that gives me the satisfaction and reassurance that its never too late!!

i can breathe, i can run, i don't cough, my throat feels better, i smell good, i feel calm and fresh!

i know what it's like to feel worthless, depressed, and out of control, but it can be so much less!!
it doesn't need to be about smoking, and it definitely won't be resolved through smoking...
and you are absolutely right that hope heals all and brings happiness!!

i know that you have the strength and knowledge to achieve your goal!!
It also sounds like you have a very supportive fiancee too which must help so much!!

I have no medical background or experience, but for the record, I am using Welbutrin, and it has not only eliminated cravings, but has calmed so much of the guilt, mild depression and obsessive thinking that i thought were eased, but most likely caused by, smoking.

I have no doubt, but pray that you will find the peace that I have, by walking away from this part of your life, that I actually thought I enjoyed. It is so quickly obvious that the craving skews all thoughts and is just as quickly fixed through medication and this program.

much love and support!!!!
here for you whenever you need it!!!
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Bonnie, I smoked for 40 YEARS. I got to the point I had trouble breathing, my hair was getting thin!!! and I smelled terrible. I made the decision to quit because I knew I needed help. I went to the Mayo and I did quit. If you want to call me my phone no. 518-654-6161 . I know how you feel and I am in there with you. Good Luck and keep me posted. Ruth Miner
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