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Give and get support around quitting

I keep making excuses:(

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I generally am not a fan of sharing aspects of my personal life, especially one I struggle with as much as I do quitting vapes. I am 2 and a half years free from the grasp of cigarettes but it’s hard to be proud of that as much as I want to because vapes took their place the moment I quit smoking. With an overwhelming and unusual amount of legal stress, school, work, and mom stress, the headstrong mindset of quitting comes and goes. I keep telling myself once this vape run out, I won’t buy anymore. Yet the day it runs out I find myself feeling defeated at the vape shop again. It’s been a viscous cycle for months! I got patches and lozenges to help the process seem less daunting, but it hasn’t fully worked. I need some kind words, maybe some stories similar to mine to let me know that I will indeed find it in myself to successfully put the vape down. Not only for my sake, but my kids and loved ones. 

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3 Soluciones

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"I need some kind words".......mmmmmm, perhaps you need some strong words, cos the addiction definitely has your attention.  You are putting everything on the line when you smoke/vape/dip.  Quit day 334 for me and I wanted to quit smoking and start vaping also.  Just couldn't make the adustment, so I kept smoking cigs.  I spent alot of time WANTING to quit nic and hoping I would wake up one morning and understand my need to quit, but that day did not come.  Years from now, you will still be "wanting to quit".  Words are words, but when you decide to take action, that is when you will find a way to quit.  The addiction has you in its grasp, it has taken over your logical thinking.....because every single time you want to quit, you grab your vape, right?   You need a better, healthier "go to".  LEARN and educate yourself on how this addiction works.  I had to watch alot of nasty smoking videos to convince myself of what I needed to DO  I hope you continue to stay conflicted about your smoking addiction and I hope you find your way OUT of this addiction.  It takes courage, but it is the best thing you can do for your lungs and your heart and your health.  Look around this site, and you will see some quitters who made it to the other side.  It can be done.

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Welcome to our community!

(Thanks, @AnnetteMM !)

Congratulations on your decision to quit vaping! It's common sense that anything you put in your lungs that isn't clean air can't be good for you! You will need to substitute “vape” or “device” as you do the reading I will recommend. Research suggests nicotine may be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. Because vaping is available to you most anywhere, anytime, I believe it might be more difficult from which to break free than regular tobacco products - but it CAN be done! There is a blog written by one of our success stories that you might find informative: I Quit Smoking and Vaping - EX Community . If you would like to use a quit aid and would like information on the various ones, let me know.

I recommend that you educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind To that end, I suggest Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.”, which can be purchased online or borrowed from your local library. Here is a video to inform you further about nicotine addiction : Nicotine and Your Brain.

The idea is to change up your routines so the vaping associations are reduced. Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand in a place different from where you vaped. Maybe switch to tea for a bit. If you always had that first puff with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to vape so the view is different. Take a different route when you are out and about so you aren't driving by your vaping supply shop. Take the Daily Pledge each day, Just look for it on the home page. It helps to hold yourself accountable to your quit and the community..

You need to distract yourself through any craves. You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game. Keep a cold bottle of water with you from which to sip. Don't let that vaping thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits. Get busy! Here is a list of things to do instead of vape if you need some fresh ideas:

101 Things to Do Instead of Smoke - EX Community

The conversation in your head in response to the "I want to vape" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?" Then DO it. You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.

Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!


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@Hannahkissel124 Welcome to the Ex.  Glad you found us. What you're describing has been most of us who intended to quit smoking, vaping, etc., for many years.  It took me 50 years and multiple attempts to quit and a whole lot of excuses.  Don't allow yourself to think "I need to vape".  We have to get past those " reasons" to keep using.  But with work and commitment you can do it.   Have you considered using a quit aid?  There's lots of information here to share if your interested.  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers and it made the physical part of  quitting much easier.  That way I was able to concentrate more on the psychological part of the journey.

It's definitely not easy.    You can win that internal battle by educating yourself about nicotine addiction and putting a plan in place with how you'll deal with cravings, identifying your triggers and creating the new associations you'll create instead of smoking. This comes into play when you're having cravings in the morning. What can you do instead of smoking? Change up your routine. Go for walk, read material on the Ex, if you drink coffee, for example, drink it in a different place, etc. Be creative.

And you just found an amazing group of quitters here to support you on this journey to becoming an Ex. There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the journey. We're here for you, so just reach out anytime we can help or want to share your experience.

This link is a great place to get you started on the right track.

Consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Pick a date and use the time to educate yourself and prepare for your quit.  It realluy works,

Stay close.


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17 Respuestas
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Hannahkissel124 There are so many otheres here who are ready and eager to support you! Your strong desire to quit is very evident and we are all here for you.

@RustyPlastic @Belle2549 @jalenamarie92: you're some of our recent vape quitters here in the EX Community -- any thoughts or ideas to share with Hannahkissel124?

@jettagirl170 and @AnnetteMM come to mind as former vapers with longer quits under their belts who may also be great connections for you.

Keep us posted how it's going, what's working for you, and how we can help!

- Megan, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

I'll also tag @YoungAtHeart who has information for newbies, too!


"I need some kind words".......mmmmmm, perhaps you need some strong words, cos the addiction definitely has your attention.  You are putting everything on the line when you smoke/vape/dip.  Quit day 334 for me and I wanted to quit smoking and start vaping also.  Just couldn't make the adustment, so I kept smoking cigs.  I spent alot of time WANTING to quit nic and hoping I would wake up one morning and understand my need to quit, but that day did not come.  Years from now, you will still be "wanting to quit".  Words are words, but when you decide to take action, that is when you will find a way to quit.  The addiction has you in its grasp, it has taken over your logical thinking.....because every single time you want to quit, you grab your vape, right?   You need a better, healthier "go to".  LEARN and educate yourself on how this addiction works.  I had to watch alot of nasty smoking videos to convince myself of what I needed to DO  I hope you continue to stay conflicted about your smoking addiction and I hope you find your way OUT of this addiction.  It takes courage, but it is the best thing you can do for your lungs and your heart and your health.  Look around this site, and you will see some quitters who made it to the other side.  It can be done.


Welcome to our community!

(Thanks, @AnnetteMM !)

Congratulations on your decision to quit vaping! It's common sense that anything you put in your lungs that isn't clean air can't be good for you! You will need to substitute “vape” or “device” as you do the reading I will recommend. Research suggests nicotine may be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. Because vaping is available to you most anywhere, anytime, I believe it might be more difficult from which to break free than regular tobacco products - but it CAN be done! There is a blog written by one of our success stories that you might find informative: I Quit Smoking and Vaping - EX Community . If you would like to use a quit aid and would like information on the various ones, let me know.

I recommend that you educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind To that end, I suggest Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.”, which can be purchased online or borrowed from your local library. Here is a video to inform you further about nicotine addiction : Nicotine and Your Brain.

The idea is to change up your routines so the vaping associations are reduced. Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand in a place different from where you vaped. Maybe switch to tea for a bit. If you always had that first puff with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to vape so the view is different. Take a different route when you are out and about so you aren't driving by your vaping supply shop. Take the Daily Pledge each day, Just look for it on the home page. It helps to hold yourself accountable to your quit and the community..

You need to distract yourself through any craves. You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game. Keep a cold bottle of water with you from which to sip. Don't let that vaping thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits. Get busy! Here is a list of things to do instead of vape if you need some fresh ideas:

101 Things to Do Instead of Smoke - EX Community

The conversation in your head in response to the "I want to vape" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?" Then DO it. You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.

Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!



@Hannahkissel124 Welcome to the Ex.  Glad you found us. What you're describing has been most of us who intended to quit smoking, vaping, etc., for many years.  It took me 50 years and multiple attempts to quit and a whole lot of excuses.  Don't allow yourself to think "I need to vape".  We have to get past those " reasons" to keep using.  But with work and commitment you can do it.   Have you considered using a quit aid?  There's lots of information here to share if your interested.  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers and it made the physical part of  quitting much easier.  That way I was able to concentrate more on the psychological part of the journey.

It's definitely not easy.    You can win that internal battle by educating yourself about nicotine addiction and putting a plan in place with how you'll deal with cravings, identifying your triggers and creating the new associations you'll create instead of smoking. This comes into play when you're having cravings in the morning. What can you do instead of smoking? Change up your routine. Go for walk, read material on the Ex, if you drink coffee, for example, drink it in a different place, etc. Be creative.

And you just found an amazing group of quitters here to support you on this journey to becoming an Ex. There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the journey. We're here for you, so just reach out anytime we can help or want to share your experience.

This link is a great place to get you started on the right track.

Consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Pick a date and use the time to educate yourself and prepare for your quit.  It realluy works,

Stay close.



I wish i could say i quit 2 1/2 years ago, but i am only on day 10. I think that is something you are forgetting to be proud of .  I am on patches and they seem to work pretty good  plus i keep a straw in my mouth all day.  i get the urges, but they do seem to pass quicker and quicker.   Have you picked a stop date? Also i don't know too much about vaping, but if it has nic in it, can you cut it back?  Well you put down cigs, so you can put down the vape and buy some can do this. just keep coming back to the website and read, it will make you feel better. good luck!!!



@mpartr1  I hope you recognize how much you’ve grown from a few days ago.  You were pretty frustrated and now here you are holding out a hand of support.  On of the things that had been important to me is getting rid of “only”.  So, YEAH me, on 23+ days of being a no smoker.  And YEAH you - through hell week and almost halfway through heck week.


thank you, i had not thought about it that way.  I want to help others quitting, and i'm only day 11.  but it feels GOOD!!  My help is patches and prayers. and of course this website.  That is AWESOME!!!! 23+ days , you are DOING IT!!!!!!



@mpartr1  Stay strong and DISTRACT.  Congratulations on quit day ELEVEN!!!  I hope you celebrate that win. I am so glad you are using everything available to get through it.  It takes the brain a while to adjust to a non-smoking life,  but you are achieving your goal and letting your body heal.   Prayer helped me the most;  without God I would still be a smoker.  I appreciate Him every day for bringing me through those awful moments and giving me strength when I just wanted to give in and give up. I am here and I am smokefree 324 days.  

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