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Give and get support around quitting


I just don't understand!!!

I am seeing relapses lately. This is geared more to the ones that have been here on site for a while now. You know how to do it, you have educated yourselves. Why in the world are you waiting to reset a quit date so far into the future?????? I don't understand. Why are you letting that freaking Nico take a hold of you? When you fall, you are supposed to brush yourself off and get right back on that horse!...............RANT OVER!

96 Replies

Top of the morning, cathnolan1!  Good luck with your quit!

Wishing you well.


Thank you, but not staying,,

Good Luck!


cathnolan1‌  What we try to explain to people here is to "take what you need, and leave the rest."  Not berate "the rest" for an opinion you don't agree with or like.  Speaking for myself only here as someone who has been on this site for 9 years, anyone who has ever quit KNOWS that it's not easy.  What we try to do is help make it easIER for the next person by sharing the wisdom we have of our own experiences.  When we seen the same serial quitters who have been on this site for years and years and years, who keep relapsing,  we tend to get a little frustrated.  Because "their way" obviously hasn't worked.  And believe me, we have gone the gentle, cuddly "you can do this, rah rah" route and the tough love route.  And neither seem to promote their success.  I'm talking about people who have 45 quits here.  And sometimes they may go for a couple of months and we think "THIS time they've really GOT it!  They're FREE!"  And then they relapse again.  And because we care so very much, we feel like tearing our hair out.  Because NOTHING we have said, in all the many ways that we've said it - makes any difference.  Shawn's blog was how many of us feel.  It wasn't directed to any one person.  It was a necessary rant to release some steam and it was really against the Nicodemon, the power of this addiction.

And you'd be surprised how just such a rant can help those who need to hear it.


Get a life,,sounds like you all think you are judge and jury of quitting,,well thanks for turning me off this site, rude,byeeeeeeeee

0 Kudos

Well.... This is entertaining  

We used to call it a Ruckus

0 Kudos

AND it used to look like this....

Deer Popcorn w Hand.gif


oh my gosh that meme made me laugh out loud, almost woke the house up!  

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