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Give and get support around quitting

I have Help!

My coworker and friend decided they’re quitting too. We’re banding together to hold each other accountable for this. This support means so much to me and it strengthens my resolve to quit!

Etiquetas (1)
5 Respuestas

Respectfully, you need to be super careful buddying up with another newbie.  Knowing the risk of relapse for newbies is substantial, serious drug recovery programs would never partner two newbies together.  For, the more you lean on each other for support, the greater the likelihood that one relapse triggers a second.  Reflect on Joel's The pitfalls of forming a buddy system to quit smoking.  Also note the many related topics linked at the bottom.

But there are many super stable low-risk, long-term ex-smokers here that would be delighted to stand beside you or the entire group for that matter by simply posting and sharing your issue, thinking  or concern.  It's why the Ex community exists.  We're each with you in spirit and stand ready to help.

Breathe deep, hug hard, live long,

John - 100% nicotine-free since 05/15/99 and loving it! 

John R Polito
I am a contributor to WhyQuit and am willing to assist with those interested in Cold Turkey quitting. I am posting of my own accord with permission from WhyQuit.

Welcome @Kblanchard1988 to the community you've made the best decision that you'll ever make in your lifetime and it's definetly the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the GIFT OF LIFE! Please read @JohnRPolito's link and keep reading everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb its not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT with commitment and perseverance you will perservere through whatever comes your way and you'll do one precious day at a time or hour minute or even a second at time deep breaths you've got this! believe it!


It's great that your co workers want to quit to. Sharing how you are doing as you go along might be reassuring and helpful. Banding together, holding one another accountable sounds constructive, but in my opinion, it is wise for each to hold oneself accountable, but still share the journey, share helpful information, tips, listen. I do not want to dampen your spirit, not my intention, nor do I feel that I have answers that are right for you. Yet my own experience tells me that when quitting their has to be a fierce resolve to live up to ones own decision to quit, that's why I'm sharing. I quit 9.25 years ago and am so happy I went through the rough stuff to make this quit work!!! My quit is still just one day at a time. My advice to you (keep it or toss it you won't be hurting my feelings!!!) is--keep your enthusiasm, tailor your plan to serve you best one day at a time.



@Kblanchard1988 It's always great to have support.  That's what this site is all about.  Never lose sight that ultimately it's your quit and you need remain accountable to yourself.

Keep preparing for your quit.  Get your friends to join the Ex. and you'll both have all the support you deserve on this journey.



@Kblanchard1988 How is it going?  We haven't heard from you lately.


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