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Give and get support around quitting


I failed myself

Well, I failed myself. I was doing great being smoke free, exercising, losing weight and all, but since September I’ve been on a down spiral. You see, I was laid off last year and it’s been tough to find another job in my industry, so I decided to sell my house so I could move freely. I thought I was managing the situation well until I started drinking wine almost every night. And the wine led me to buy a pack of cigarettes and before I knew it, I was smoking half a pack every day with wine. Depression kicked in, gained 20lbs. And to make matters worse I came out to my siblings during Christmas and well, let’s just say I won’t be getting a birthday card this year. 

On March 15, after drinking half a bottle of wine and puffed 10 cigarettes, my throat started hurting and I couldn’t swallow so I rushed to an urgent care center. They ran some tests and the result was flu type a. Luckily I didn’t have fever, but it knocked me down for 5 days, which i used to kick the habit once again. 

I haven’t touched a cigarette since,  but this time I feel super tired all day, to the point of exhaustion, shortness of breath, can’t exercise as I used to, dry cough, and dizziness. 

I can’t tell if it’s depression, post flu symptoms, allergies, smoking withdrawal or something bad. Has anyone experienced all of this symptoms after quitting? 

Sorry for venting in here but needed to put it in writing. 

40 Respuestas

Congratulations on 16 days of freedom...I am really happy for you and proud of you.  Happy Easter/Passover to you as well.


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Great those are our rewards. When you stop doing or quit something that is bad for our   Body including our pocket it is a worth the  process  it takes courage effort and patience. But at the end you will see the light just take One Day At the Time. And remember NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF AGAIN. Good luck to you.

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I am so happy to read that you are feeling brighter and better!  Here is a blog about early withdrawal symptoms that you might find helpful.  At least it will help you to understand what might be quit related:

Carry on and enjoy your weekend - smoke free, of course!


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we love venting here.  that's sometimes what brings us to the solution to a problem we're having.  We need to dump out the building blocks on the floor and start stacking them back up again.  You might want to consider checking out‌ group they have here.  there's some older posts, but it's worth some knowledge gaining.  Congrats on those 16 days.  Before I quit I also had to quit drinking.  I did a lot of reading on AA sites to further come to an understanding why I was using alcohol in the manner I did and then it also helped me with my quitting smoking.  The two are very similar for the reason why we use either one.

So Happy to see things going along alot better!!!!! You're doing great!     prairie 54 dof


Thanks! Sitting at a coffee shop in downtown Dallas having a prosciutto sandwich and an almond milk latte, staring at the window watching the smokers on their break and thinking “thank you God I am no longer part of that.” It does get better. 


SPECTACULAR!  Congratulations!!!!



It all promotes Lotsa growth!! 

0 Kudos

I cannot add much to the beautiful words from the beautiful people on this site other than to say I am SO PROUD of you for coming back and getting on with your quit.

Im very sorry for all the troubles you have been through....and send you hugs. Don't put anymore energy into what others think of you. Be happy and proud to be YOU because YOU are one of a kind and thats a special gift of its own.

Be Blessed and know that we ALL care and support you!

Welcome back!


You are holding yourself accountable (this is good) by writing it here, coming here for support, exactly what you need to do next time, so make sure you remember this!  People are here to help support you and keep you strong and true to your quit!  It is your journey, sure, but we are all on the same journey, and that is to remain quitters of something that is deadly in the long run!   

Our head plays some pretty good tricks on our minds and body as we quit, and most likely is what you are experiencing, but if you think you should, please check in with your doctor. 

Oh gosh depression is sure to take it's toll, I myself am struggling through it right now, but I know that there is nothing that supports any good reason to go back to shoving a sickarette into my face !!  There is never a good reason to smoke!  It's the addiction that says otherwise.  You can overcome this, by giving yourself the right tools every time you have a craving, every time, you are triggered!  I am proof, I am still smoke free for 212 days now!  I smoked for 43 years!

I am so glad you are back!  It's good to see you jump right back in with a new date, with both feet forward!  WE are ALL here for you, ALWAYS!  Lean when you need to!    See  you soon!  
