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I don't remember day 3 being this bad

For some reason I feel like crap today.  Must be the nicotine trying it's best to make me help it stay in my system.  Damn devil!   It's not gonna work bastard!  

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3 Replies

Takes 3 days for nicotine to leave your body.  STAY STRONG and know that you are not giving up anything, but gaining everything BACK.  Also, you are going through hell week.  It's not fun.  Continue reading and learning, while you are going through this.  USE those tools of distraction and don't give in.  Distract, delay.  One hour at a time.  Just get through day 3 and believe in yourself.

I DO remember day 3 being bad.  Strangely, I had no cravings for the first 2.5 days, so I remember day three very well, as all my cravings kicked in on that day.  I wrote out my feelings, alot.  I watched smoking videos.  Start observing things that you never used to notice.


Day three was always my worst day . Nicotine does take longer than three days to leave your body ,  I always heard three days too til I did some research .. just hang in there 


The nicotine receptors take a good while to tame, that is why working a quit takes one day at a time until we're pass the want stage of quitting. And IMO it's always about smobering up, staying vigilant. Congratulations on day three!!! No small task. Thanks for sharing.