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Give and get support around quitting


I did it...FINALLY!

I have been smoking habitually since I was 16.  I am 39 and 13 days ago I quit cold turkey.  I feel like I have kicked a bad boyfriend to the curb.  I'm feeling really good and I have a lot of momentum to keep up the good work.  My body is still in a cleansing phase.  I'm having terrible sinus drainage and chest congestion, but today I'm starting to feel an improvement.  Along with quitting I have made a few lifestyle changes.  I used to wake up every morning and sit in the yard with my dog while I had coffee and a smoke.  Now I wake up and we go walking for 15 to 20 minutes, then I sit and have coffee.  When I get home from work in the evening I take my dog and walk again for 15 to 20 minutes.  I'm keeping myself busy with household projects and yard work.  I'm going to have the nicest lawn on the block before this is over! LOL.  What's even better is the money I'm saving.  To date I have saved nearly $100.00 and avoided almost 400 cigarettes!

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2 Replies

Congratulations! You are doing wonderful.  Tomorrow will be a week for me. I know what ya meant when you said"I feel like I have kicked a bad boyfriend to the curb" I told my Hubby I felt like I had lost the only friend who had never judged me and was always there whenever I wanted them to be. Keep up the great job! Blessings~Linda

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I have been smoking for nearly 40 years.  Both my parents smoked and they died at an early age.   I am determined to quit and stay quit!!  And the money I save will be spent on my new grandaughter!!  Good luck!

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