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Give and get support around quitting


I can't do this forever

I have seen many people use the acronymn N.O.P.E. in their posts; Not One Puff Ever.  I read the stories of succesful quitters who made a decision to never smoke again.  I admire people who can do that.  People who can look into the future and say NEVER. 

  I can't do that.  The very thought of never having another cigarette again makes my hyperventilate. 

What I can do, and what I do everyday, is promise not to smoke today.  And I can keep adding day after day of not smoking up until it becomes forever. 

That is my approach to staying smoke-free. 

Is this just semantics?  Just a mind-game?  Yeah...probably.  But it is working for me.


Smoke free today

Keep the Quit
15 Respuestas

Oh PastTense I get it...I say NOPE ... however when I truly think about it I just go from Day to Day, pledging not to smoke .. I have to think this is my last quit because me smoking again will definitely kill me...I have bronchial asthma, weak left lung from a collapse and two brain aneurysm’s (one fixed and one is on watch) you see I played long enough with smoking...I lost two quits in the past, so in some ways my mind has to say NOPE, but in the end all of us really live “day to day” after I rambled, do what you have to ... to make this quit dad always said and I get it...”never say never”...maybe that is why we must be vigilant the rest of our life...Just keep working it and like our Marilyn says “Another day Won”...Happy Wednesday ~ Colleen 352 DOF


Look at you, sweetplt‌!  The countdown to one year of freedom has begun. 

Do you have anything special planned to celebrate? 

Thanks for your support.  It truly does help.


Keep the Quit

I congratulated myself when I made it an hour when I first quit! Lol. Whatever works for you, is the right way 


You are doing this quit and you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time and each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON everyone has their own way of making it through each day that works I remember back in my early weeks having some horrid cravings where I yelled out loud at myself that I don't smoke anymore and I giving my head several shakes at the same time and that was one of the things that helped me through some horrid rough patches, you keep doing what you're doing because it's working for you.

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PastTense Yes ... celebrating a few days before the 1 husband surprised me to getting tickets for a play and dinner out...a nice date night...he has been my biggest supporter...


That is so sweet of your Husband

My Mother and Daughter are my support even my 11 year old grandson. Enjoy your play and Dinner.

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One day at a time works for me.  Thinking about forever can be self-defeating.  



It gets easier to think in bigger chunks when you have some time under your belt.  In the early days it IS a good idea to take it a day (sometimes a morning/afternoon/evening or even hour) at a time.

Whatever works for you is what works for you. 

Be proud that you are doing this!!!

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Early in the quit, you should only focus on one day at a time.  Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.   It is okay that you don't feel you have a forever quit right now.  That is a sign of surety that you will not go back to smoking.  It says that you will not take your quit for granted or become complacent and lose it.  You have the right mindset.  Usually after a year or two or three maybe even four you have had enough life EXperiences without smoking that you realize that you got it and no matter what is happening in your life you will make the choice to not use life crisis to smoke.  Until then it is okay not to think of a forever quit.  You ARE on the right tract.  Keep stacking the days one at a time.  Stay close, never give up.  You got it. 

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