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Give and get support around quitting


I am not sure where I belong

I smoked 30+ years I have not had a smoke for 6 weeks and2 days I want one so bad I am not sure I can stay smoke free My husband was suppost to quit also but is not trying at all!!!!!! I am so mad at him I know it is hard but if I can do it he should too!!!!! to everyone who thinks they can not do this do not give up you can do this I did not think I could I have now I just need to stay smoke free Edith
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5 Respuestas

just stay with quitting you can do it
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Hello Edith and Welcome,

Just look around, meet some friends, browse topics of interest to find the right solution or support to help you quit smoking.
Starting a discussion here or a new topic in the forum is like asking a question, when others see your post and if they know the answer or have been through it, they will leave replies on your post.

I wish both of you and your husband good luck in quitting smoking.


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I smoked for 25 years and Chantix worked for me. It's been 72 days! I'm not having the cravings that you are. I can actually go a couple of days now without even THINKING about cigarettes! My husband is a different story! Unlike your husband, he is trying to quit. He's on 6 days without a smoke. I hope he can do it this time!!! My advice to you is DON'T GIVE UP! But, if you cave, try again ASAP. This is too important!!!
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You can do it. My wife is still smoking. I quit 3 weeks ago cold turkey. I still sit with her in smoking sections of the resturants and bars. I just say a little prayer to myself and I repeat to myself that I am a non smoker. You know, I try not to say that I am trying to quit smoking. I say that I do not smoke. or I don't smoke anymore.

Please don't let your irritation with your husband's behavior cause your blood pressure to go up or worst, cause you to relapse.
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I always tell myself "it's easier to be a non smoker than a smoker" I know this is true and I tell myself this everyday. What we do to our bodies to smoke goes against everything natural. It's so natural to not smoke. Sue
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