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I am miserable and about to give up

61 days of not smoking and I am miserable every day.  Either I don’t really want to quit or something is wrong with me.  I can’t take it anymore- cranky, weight gain etc and I never get a break from it

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40 Replies

You can worry about the weight after you've conquered the nicotine.  Many of us have gained a bit of weight when we quit and then later taken it off.  Don't dwell in the well of smoking thoughts.  Go out and people watch, perhaps.  A good diversion.


CONGRATS 61 DAYS! Yahoooooooooo GOOD JOB!  Please take what HELPS at let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - it was SUGGESTED to ME -  YEARS ago and it worked - write a goodbye letter - like YOUR gettimg - a divorce from YOUR DRUG OF CHOICE NICOTINE - cutting ties with MY lover - MY best friend - MY comfort - whatever name YOU gave it  - I missed - MY escaping - in MY old addict MIND - making excuses - just to USE MY DRUG NICOTINE - because I didnt want to deal with living in MY own skin and grow up and deal with MY reality of what was happing INSIDE of ME- why I wouldn't deal with MY life on life's terms -  I was sucking on 50 death sticks a day at the end of MY using- TODAY - I have a NEW MINDSET - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - to blog BEFORE I take that first PUFF over me - thanks for letting ME share - gentle hug   


A lot of people get very constipated when they quit smoking that may be part of what is happening to you. Keep eating right and walking it takes time for your body to adjust when you quit smoking. I got very constipated when I quit smoking and I gained a lot of weight from that and I also gave into some no no foods just because I was frustrated. Please hang in there in time this will get easier if it didn’t I would still be smoking my brains out still. Everyone’s quit is different so please don’t give up you can do this keep telling yourself you can. I got very frustrated when I quit smoking I cried all the time and got really mad and I did beat my recliner chair up at least 3 times punching the crap out of it to get my anger out. My friends here kept telling me hang in there you can do this and so I fought through all of these horrible feelings I was having and in time I got better just like they said I would. I had to learn how to deal with my emotions without smoking. I still get sad and mad but I tell myself smoking won’t change whatever is making me sad or mad so I work though the moment and try to get a solution to get myself back in a good mood. Please reward yourself today for all of your efforts staying smoke free you could go out shopping and buy yourself something special. You have all that money now left over from not smoking so go reward yourself you are worth it. We know what you are going through and it will get better in time. If I had to go out today and go buy a pack of smokes because I was going through withdrawals I would be so pissed off at myself because I would rather spend my money on myself on what I really want to buy and I am so happy I can do that now. I quit smoking using this site and on Halloween this year I will have been quit for 11 years and it feels great to be able to say that and you can do this also just don’t give up please hang in there.   


Don't stop just before the miracle! Everyone's quit is different. I smoked for 48 yrs and now have 55 days of freedom.

The first 7 weeks were difficult for me, but I have copd and before I quit, I was having such a hard time breathing following pneumonia. I had several prior attempt to quit without success. This time I kept telling myself, what if I cave and tomorrow is the day it gets easier? This past week, it has been a breeze. I barely think of cigarettes. I'm so glad I didn't cave.



Quitting for me was very emotional.  I had little if any physical withdrawal symptoms.   It was a really rough time for me--you think you should be feeling better, not worse.   I would agree with consulting with you doctor if you haven't already.  Maybe your medication should be adjusted.  Smoking actually increases anxiety.   You have 61 successful days of not smoking.   Don't turn back now.   Coming to this site when I was experiencing difficult days really helped me keep going.   

As for the weight gain, my experience was very different.  I've battled my weight my whole life.  Everyone said don't worry about gaining some weight--it's better than smoking.   As I approached my first year smoke free I decided something wasn't right--I just kept gaining.   I contacted my doctor and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism  (this actually occurs in some people when they quit smoking.) So I can sympathize with your weight gain.   I still can't get if off.

Stay close and reach out to the community.



Maybe you're waiting for something to happen that tells you that you don't smoke anymore.  You won't get that sign because you already did.  The day you stopped was the day you quit.  You are a non smoker and no longer need to entertain those thoughts.  You already won, you just haven't recognized it yet.  

You REALLY realize it when you have the first day that you realize you didn't think of smoking once the day before.

Then, you start to have more of those days.

It happened for me at day 83 but some here have had it happen earlier.

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Please let us know how you're doing.  We care.


Do you feel any better ? Has any of this advice help you out...? Keep us posted...Happy Sunday ~ Colleen 293 DOF 

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The reason for this is not that you aren't ready to quit, you are looking for excuses not to.  I don't mean to come off harsh but I was in your place many times through many quits and returned to smoking.  Today, I am 1 year and 2.5 months quit and so proud.  Stand up tall, head held high and STICK TO YOUR QUIT.    Rather than tell us you're not ready, tell us why you WANT TO QUIT  and that will be your book as you stay on this journey.