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I am miserable and about to give up

61 days of not smoking and I am miserable every day.  Either I don’t really want to quit or something is wrong with me.  I can’t take it anymore- cranky, weight gain etc and I never get a break from it

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How are you making out? We all hope you stay the course. Remember that many, if not all of us, have attempted to make it happen a number of times. Don't you ever feel like you're a failure for doing this. Support for you can always be found here and you can really always find someone who can relate to the grind of this process. Smoking really is a horrible thing. Quitting is unfortunately very difficult but is a terrific thing to do for yourself and for the people who love you.

God Bless


Good to hear from you Pawr  .  It's been awhile.  How are you doing?


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I'm doing great! Lifes ups and downs continue and I have accepted that I'll always be challenged with urges to light up and smoke but they continue to fade. I just keep praying for the strength to resist and enjoy the confidence that that will work. 

Ready for a big move South in a few weeks and starting a new chapter. I'll be meeting lots of folks who have never seen me smoke!


Have you tried exercise to get you over this hump?  Even a few sets of stairs, or marching in place for 10 minutes can help.  If you can get outside and skip a bit, or walk briskly, I am SURE you will feel better.  Look at the sky, and the clouds, and listen to the birdsong.  Or do a few jumping jacks?

Think (or write down) those things for which you are grateful.  There are more things than you realize right now.

Wouldn't you rather be someone who thinks about smoking every so often than one who thinks about the need to quit 100% of the time?  You have invested a TON of time and effort into those 61 days - now visualize flushing them all down the toilet.

I had another thought, too.  A lot of us self-medicated for anxiety and depression with nicotine.  Might that be a part of how you are feeling now that you aren't doing that?  A visit to your doctor to talk about it might be in order.

Hang in there - I promise better days are just around the corner.  Keep trying things until something works  - just don't give up!



Pookweencess‌, I'm really in the same part of my quit as you, I'm at 79 DOF. I'm in these trenches with you in No Man's Land. 

You're in a funk, I've been in them, they do come to pass.

What are your hobbies? Do you get out and walk or run? I find letting off some steam has helped me, I most effectively do that running, but a long walk or hike has helped too. The best part, it has helped me with my weight.

You did not make it this far because it wasn't your time to quit, or you weren't ready. Don't under estimate the power of addiction! Try to think back and remember how you felt when you smoked, is that really what you want? You got this Love! Push through the funk! 


I hike or walk 3 miles a day and am still gaining weight.  Right now I can’t stop the tears.  We am on anti anxiety meds diagnosed with panic disorder at 18 years old which was a long time ago.  Please help me on how to push through this funk- I am doing everything I know how to do 


If you have been on medication for a long time, it may need to be reviewed now that you aren't getting those hits of dopamine from smoking.  I would definitely talk to your doctor about how you are feeling!

PLEASE don't give up - there is nothing good that will come of it!

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I have panic disorder too.  It really sucks bybitself, but the quitting really messed with it.  On meds too and they aren’t working as effectively.  Don’t really have any wise words, just that you’re not alone with the fear monster that panic is and people blow off as us being 'over sensitive'.  It’s real and as any other medical condition.

My hardest three days were right about where you are at.

Stay the course
