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Give and get support around quitting


I am just so angry with myself

 I can only quit smoking 3 months at a time I have quit half a dozen times this time I only quit two weeks and have the support of my fourteen-year-old daughter and my four-year-old grandson I am just don't know what to do wh

I need help I only quit for 2 weeks and have great support from my fourteen-year-old daughter and my four-year-old grandson this is the sixth time I've tried to quit and I just keep going back to it so sick and tired of it what can I do? I make a plan I write great things in my journal I feel so empowered and then somehow I slip and I fall right back into it horrible I just don't know how to do it and stay quit

24 Respuestas

Welcome to the Ex.   You've already gotten great advice, so let's make it happen this time.  I learned so much being on this site.  Knowing about NML's helped me get through that period.  Its easy to become complacent early on when believe all the challenges are over.  This is a journey with different steps along the way.  This isn't easy and most of us have attempted to quit numerous times.   We're all nicotine addicts and thesupport on this site may just be what you need to be successful.  We're here, so just reach out before you smoke.



After 12 years of watching people quit I can tell you the majority of people give up before they reach 4 months.


Hi and Welcome to Ex’s butterfly77ks 

You have received some great advice above me... only thing I can add, is you have a choice...make the choice everyday “not to smoke”...”not one puff ever”... I hope you do the work above me...quitting is doable, it takes hard work, preparation, and knowledge...Happy Monday ~ Colleen 287 DOF 


Thank you. It is definitely my choice and I am determined to be a non smoker. I am thankful for this site and all the helpful words of encouragement.

Support is great but it's not gonna quit for ya. You have to want this above all else & be willing to do whats needed to maintain your quit. It's all about your choices.

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Thank you for saying that we have to want it above all else and be willing to do anything to maintain our own quit. That was the best reminder I could get all day Thank you Mike

You will not become a journeyman quitter overnight. You stay quit for today & tomorrow you make the choice to do it again. We all have the strength to make the right choice. We just have to be willing.

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Funny, you really want to quit--so much so that you are willing to tell all right here about your quits and returns to smoking. 

I don't know what is causing you to return to smoking, but  I can share a few thoughts about what you said. First of all, I've been quit six years. I do not have a forever quit, I'm smober just for today. This is the only day that I can handle--I can't do all of the work of my tomorrows today--I have to leave that work for tomorrow. So, I am smober six years for sure, but it's just one day at a time. I don't rely solely on what I've learned yesterday in staying smober--it may not help me tomorrow--just for today I live smoberly. 

Don't quit for anyone else but you. I know you love your daughter and grandson, but do them a favor and smober up for you. Addiction doesn't obey the laws of love--we have a hard enough time with the laws of love without addictions gumming up the works. 

I believe it takes solid smobriety work over several years time to heal the mind of nicotine dependency and all the stuff that goes with dependency. Three months is not your problem, dependency is and it can be broken with your efforts. You want to quit, so that is your quiding light. Ex is here for you 365. Keep working for your quit.

My opinions, take what you can use, dump the rest.


Yes it's not funny at all I have a hard time just like everyone just reaching out for words of encouragement and help.

I appreciate your story and keep pushing forward and hope to be free someday.

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