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I am a nonsmoker

I am sure you have heard that phrase many times. Well, it can also be a help in your freedom from nicotine.  When I started this journey I would often tell myself that I am a nonsmoker.   I would  automatically ​post it at the end of my blogs. “I am a nonsmoker.”  When an urge or crave would come I would tell myself, “I am a nonsmoker”.  

I remember the moment so clearly when my brain accepted the fact that  “ I  truly am a nonsmoker”.   A feeling of joy and reassurance came over me.  There was a peace and serenity within me that I had not experienced, along with a new mental awareness.  I was very well pleased with myself in the fact that I had reached this new level in my nonsmoking journey.  That was a good day.  The day I really started knowing , believing and achieving that  (I am a nonsmoker) and no longer just saying it.  There is power in those words.  Make it part of your daily vocabulary.  “I am a nonsmoker”.

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6 Respuestas

I am a nonsmoker! Thanks for reminding me.

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I am a mompoker!  (and dyslexic.)


@ puff, I love it.

@ Jackie, I did the same thing when I first quit. I know I wrote one blog and said "if I say I am a non smoker enough times it will be true"and it is.  You are also a non smoker and an inspiration to all.

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Thank you!  You were the final piece of my puzzle.  There were literally all these things running around in my head, some of them from moments after I took that first puff, to newer thoughts.  Then I read your blog I am a Non Smoker and well, your blog must have been sticky because it picked up bits and pieces of thoughts in my head and there was my A-Ha moment.  It REALLY is a choice.  And it is a simple choice.  Smoker or Non Smoker.  well, at least for me, it was duhhhhhh, of course I am a Non Smoker.  And I guess sports is on my mind, and it just cicked.....Team Non Smoker.  That is MY team, and I will suit up Sunday morning!!!!

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Yay for us nonsmokers!  You are my inspiration!

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I cannot say "I am a nonsmoker". But let me explain.

Quitting is very personal to each of us. If I declare myself a nonsmoker, I will loose track of the fact that I am first and foremost an addict.

I am addicted to nicotine and that addiction is just as strong or stronger than alcohol or drugs.

What I can say is that I no longer choose to smoke. I can say that cigarettes are no longer front and center in my life. I can say that am not not buying cigarettes today.

I'm happy for everyone that can say loud and clear I'm a nonsmoker. Kudos to all of you! I just know that, for me, I need to remember that I am indeed a smoker. So when an urge hits me for a cigarette, which it still does, I can say that I am making a conscious choice  NOT to smoke.

Hugs & Blessings

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